Chapter 24

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Although at least twenty people, if not more through gossip, knew that they had been mated before the hunt the other night, there was still complete silence after his words.

"What?" was the first comment.

"In secret?"

"Why her?" someone asked.

Milo decided to grant an answer to at least two of the questions, since they were important and he knew fine well what they really meant. The why her, was just a jibe at how they thought Katarina unworthy, and the in secret query was panic setting in.

"I'm not going to explain why I have united and mated with my true mate," he scolded them, for asking such a ridiculous question. "You're all smart enough to figure that out for yourself. I will answer why it was in secret," he explained, keeping his voice level and calm as he gathered himself to tell his whole pack a lie. He had never lied to them before, but it was necessary to lead Nathaniel into a false sense of security and stop any panic that might arise.

"With the help of Katarina's gifts, we have been alerted to a traitor amongst our pack," he warned them. "It was necessary for us to carry out these important events in secret, to keep my mate and myself safe. Now that we have identified the individual and put him to punishment, we can resume pack life as normal," he claimed that Nathaniel was already dealt with, though he wasn't.

He skimmed over the whole 'vision' thing, about Katarina's warning and her father who wasn't a father. He didn't want the pack knowing that her father was the Alpha of another pack. It was too complicated to go into with a large crowd who could easily turn to an angry mob.

"Is this why you've been quiet the last few days?" Yosi's voice called out again, from the middle of the crowd.

Milo met his eyes and nodded in thanks. That was just the opening he needed for the next piece of news. "Afraid not, Yosi. That's been all my doing," he claimed with a laugh that had Yosi laughing with him. "You told me once that the feelings for a true mate were like an obsession...well, I've been busy obsessing."

A few of the kids their own age, who had their mates, chuckled along with them in acceptance of his true meaning. Which led into the next thing he had to say.

"In fact, Katarina is pregnant," Milo let that news settle over the crowd, instantly dispelling the laughter of everyone but Yosi. Who laughed louder and harder than before. At least someone was taking the news well.

Congratulations, Alpha. I look forward to meeting your son, Marlan's happy voice rang in his head and Milo turned to smile at Katarina. He was here. Which was exactly what they wanted.

Thank you, Marlan, Katarina gave their gratitude, to open up a link between them. In the crowd, Marlan smiled and nodded before leaving, aware from the prolonged silence that the meeting was over.

Milo gave him a nod and a wave of farewell and let the kid run off to tell his grandfather the great news.

I wonder how he knows about the prophesy...I thought he wasn't supposed to be in on Nathaniel's plan, Katarina wondered, a little concerned about the new revelation. As was Milo. He liked the kid, he didn't want him to be guilty of anything. Directly or indirectly.

Maybe he's got your gifts? he suggested quietly.

Milo had given the pack enough time to absorb his words, so he sent them home. "Alright, everyone get back to whatever you were doing. We'll celebrate on my birthday," he called out, with a voice full of laughter and happiness. It wouldn't do to spoil the illusion and admit that he was confused and very worried.

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