Chapter 30

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Milo decided that since Katarina and Leo were taking a break from having to deal with the difficulties of their life, it was the best time to implement their trap for Nathaniel. His mate and Beta would be safe and well away from the chaos and danger.

He warned Grene and Carlton, as soon as he returned from talking with his own Beta, Brogan. Then, he pulled on a coat, headed out the door and along to the woods, walking in the early afternoon light. It was a nice day and he was dressed for action.

He got halfway along the path through the woods when he heard rustling behind him. He turned, pretending to be on alert. On seeing nothing, he turned back and resumed his walk. He could hear footsteps behind him.

All his senses were heightened from his recent mating and union, so there was really no way anyone could successfully sneak up on Milo. But he would give Nathaniel the chance to believe it was possible. It was the only way he was going to catch him red-handed, with an attack on the Alpha of his pack. It was the best way to get him put somewhere where he couldn't hurt other people. Marlan needed the chance to get away from the insanity of his family history.

Milo walked another half dozen paces and heard something snap a few feet to his left. The attack was on its way; he just had to wait.

There was a growl and a great black wolf pounded from the right, knocking him over.

And the game begins, he sighed to himself.

He rolled to his side, out from under the wolf that was trying to rake his back with long, sharp claws. It didn't take much more than a regular kick to push the wolf off him and put a little distance between them. He knew it was Nathaniel, because no one else in the pack had that same jet black fur.

Milo began seizing up the fight that was to come. He tried to pinpoint anything he knew about Nathaniel that would show his weaknesses or strengths when it came to wolf on wolf combat.

He was preparing to shift into his wolf form, when a second wolf padded out of the trees. So Nathaniel's son Cletus was joining in too. Even better.

Bring it on boys,

Milo relished the fight, as he allowed himself to transform. His wolf came out and he saw a flash of surprise in both his opponents eyes. So they thought he wouldn't fight back. They thought he hadn't been prepared for their attack? Well they were wrong.

Milo lunged at Nathaniel, since he knew that, if his wolf was beaten, Cletus would back down. He wasn't strong enough to take on the Alpha alone. Neither of them were.

Did they really think they could take him on, challenge his leadership and threaten the three people who were the most important to him? That they could try to hurt Leo, his father and his mate...the one person he loved most in the world? It wasn't going to happen. Ever.

Cletus attacked first, running towards Milo and trying to clench his shoulder with his claws.

Milo slipped under the swiped paw, reached up and grabbed it in his jaw. He tugged until he fell the separation that said he had dislocated something. He released the paw and used his position, beneath Cletus, to score his underbelly with his claws and grasp his throat with his teeth. He whimpered in protest to the grip and Milo felt himself already winning the battle. My son, he gasped breathlessly inside his head.

Milo knew that Marlan wouldn't understand, if he killed his father. He relented and kicked the traitor away. Leave and throw yourself to the mercy of my guards, he commanded, accepting no compromise. I will deal with you later. For the sake of your son you will be allowed to live, he warned him, with a low rasp in his voice.

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