Chapter 2 : Underground

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I felt a poke on my cheeck. I started to stir, everything was blurry so I had to adjust to the light. The first thing I saw was S/N who was on top of me.

"Get off, S/N... "I looked around and saw this wasn't our room. I was on a patch of buttercups. I also saw B/F/N walking around with their phone.

"B/F/N? Where are we? "I asked them. They looked at me and smiled as they asked over. They kneeled down and ruffled my hair.

"You're finally awake huh? We're in the underground dingus. "They said as they stood up.

"The underground... So we're not dead? "I asked them just to make sure.

"Oh, Y/N. B/F/N already said we're in the underground. "S/N said also standing.

"We just have to find a way out. "They added. I stood up and started to walk towards a big door.

"What's through this door? "I whispered to myself, but it was loud enough for S/N and B/F/N to hear.

"Let's check! This could be a start of a adventure! "B/F/N exclaimed. They both followed me through the door.

Once we entered, the first thing that caught the eye was a flower in the middle of a patch of light. I walked towards the flower, but i realized it was shaking, why? I approached it closer and it seemed to catch our attention.

"STOP! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!! "It said. I saw that it had a face.

"Woah! A talking flower! Don't worry! We won't hurt you! "B/F/N said cheerfully. It's shaking went down a bit.

"My name is B/F/N, this is S/N and that's Y/N! "They introduced.

"Howdy! My name is Flowey! Flowey the Flower. You humans shouldn't be here though. Everyone kills each other here. They hate each other, some have even become cannibals. That door over there is the Ruins, a crazed goat-woman owns it.  Her name is Toriel. Never trust her."Flowey warned. I was beyond terrified now. I was shaking in my shoes.

"H-how c-come you hav-ven't k-killed us y-yet? 'I stuttered.

"I'm not strong enough. I also don't want to kill anyone, I want to show then MERCY. "He said feeling sympathetic. I stopped shaking and looked through my bag. If I remembered, I packed a flower pot just in case I find a flower that I'd like to bring in my new home, and it was a mini flower pot so it could fit in my bag. I brought the out to Flowey and digged him out of the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing?! "He yelled at me.

"I want you to come with us. You said that you were defenseless, so I thought I could bring you along. "I replied to his yell. He was silent after that but pouted. I placed Flowey in my backpack so he wouldn't fall off.

"Come on, guys! Let's go! "I said as I started to walk to the entrance of the Ruins. S/N and B/F/N trailing from not far behind.

Everything was stained with blood and dust. It creeped me out.

"Why is it so dusty here? Are there alot of monsters who live here? "S/N asked Flowey.

"Yes, alot if monsters live here. But, this dust comes from something else. You see, when a monster dies, they fade into dust. "He replied.

"So this is all the residue of dead monsters?! That is nasty! "B/F/N complained. Flowey just sighed.

"That's just.. how this world works. "He said. We heard heavy footsteps in the distance. Flowey gasped and shivered.

"It's her.... Toriel." He shakily whispered. He hid in my backpack as the footsteps drawn closer.

"Oh my, why are there three human children here? You must be hungry, my children. Come, I'll bring you to my home so that you will eat."A voice said from above us. I looked up to see a crazy looking goat-woman, this must be Toriel. She took a hand and dragged me to the next room, S/N and B/F/N trailing from behind.

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