College: Tamaki

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Tamaki picks you up and spins you around. "Ahhh! Tama-kun~! I just ate, I'll get sick if you spin me too much~!" He chuckles apologetically and sets you down. "Sorry (N/N). I just haven't seen you in awhile." You blink. "Tamaki, you saw me this morning. We live together, remember?" He blushes sheepishly. "Yeah, but I still miss you when we have to go to class. Your classes are on the other side of the campus, so I can't walk you to them, meaning I only get to see you after them."

You smile and blush softly. Tamaki is such a romantic. A bit clingy, but romantic nonetheless. "Aw, Tamaki~ *giggle* How about we spend all afternoon together. Just me and you. No friends, no parents, nobody but us." He grins and takes your hand. "I'd love that. Let's go to that little café you're always doing your homework in." You did your homework at a nearby café instead of at home with Tamaki because you knew he would never get anything done if someone was there with him. He would constantly pester you because he was bored, and then neither of you would get anything done. Tamaki didn't like that you guys spent more time apart that way, but he knew your grades were important to you, and you couldn't afford to have one incomplete or missing assignment.

The two of you walk into a little mint and aqua café. 'La Da Dee' was softly playing in the background as you took a seat at a corner booth. You order a chocolate éclair and milk tea, joking about how it's the food of Tamaki's people. He orders fries and a milkshake, joking about how it's the food of your people.

You happily eat the pastry, sparkles and happy flowers around your head. Tamaki giggled at how cute you looked. You hummed along with the song as you drank your tea, not realizing the love-filled look Tamaki was giving you.

You both got up and went home as it started getting dark.

You flopped down on the apartment's couch as soon as you walk in. Well, I say apartment, but it's actually more of a penthouse. A three story penthouse. With it's own theatre. And a ginormous kitchen. And a master bedroom fit for royalty. It's freaking awesome.

You get ready for bed, then lay in the big, cozy, four-poster bed. Tamaki loved luxury, and he also loved spoiling you. Especially in romantic ways. So of course he's going to kiss all over your face and neck when he climbs into bed with you.

"Tamaki~" You giggle. "Let's go to sleep. I'm tired." He smiles and kisses your lips. "Okay, but first I want to ask you something." You tilt your head in confusion as best you could against the pillow. He reaches to the bedside draw and pulls out a (insert your birth stone) ring. "(Y/N), will you marry me?" You kiss him passionately and pull away. "Does that answer your question?" He grins, holding you close to him.

You fall asleep in his arms, head resting on his chest.


A/N: I felt like I had to make up to the Tamaki lovers since in the last set of chapters, Kyoya proposed to Reader-chan in his chapter, but Tamaki didn't in his. So here you go~! Hope you enjoyed~! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

Anywho, bye lil' cinnamon rolls~

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