Chapter 3 ✔️

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The school day had ended and me and Gaara were walking home.

I saw the kids playing again

They all stopped to stare at me and Gaara

"(Y/N)!!! Come play with us instead of Gaara! He's a nobody!" Said one of the boys. I recognized this one. He was one of the more posh kids of the group, always pushing others around if it benefited him. To put it simply, the definition of "I'm a daddy's boy"

"Why would I wanna play with jerks like you?" I told them and continued walking dragging Gaara along. What was their problem anyways?

"If you don't choose us we'll treat you the way we treat him!" Another one exclaimed towards me...Daddy's boys sidekick of course.

"(Y/N), you don't have to stay with me. I understand if you wanna go, after all I'm just a monster like they said I am....." I heard Gaaras voice beside. He sounded oddly calm about the conversation. This be a common event for him, this made me mad. No one deserves to go through this.

"No way Gaara!" I quickly replied

"Now listen up you bunch of beetles!" They all stared at me with slight hate, probably anticipating what I was about to say. Daddy's boy looked furious that I would choose him over the group.


"Now you all might think your high and mighty for hating Gaara, but honestly your just being big wusses! Why would you pick on someone who's done nothing to you? Just because he's stronger than any one of you ants and could easily defeat all of you in a fight doesn't mean you should pick on him, now learn some flippin respect!" They all stared in awe at my lecture. "And I'm fine with not playing with you guys anymore if it means I don't have to deal with your stupidity!" I added quickly

I then grab Gaaras and run out of the park

"Fine! But your the real wuss!" They start yelling remarks

I didn't really hear what they said, I was to busy running and being proud of myself

We eventually stopped running and rested at an abandoned house just on the outskirts of the village. This house was more of a place for teenagers to be at to do "teenager stuff". (Whatever that means)

"(Y/N)..." Gaara murmured quietly as he panted

"Yeah Gaara?" I asked panting as well while I shook sand out of my shoes

"You didn't have to do that, you could have just left me. Everyone does eventually..."Gaara said seriously

"I don't care! Gaara, I don't think you understand I'm not like them, I actually want to be your friend!" I told  Gaara in an equally serious tone

I then look at the sky.

It's dark outside already?

"(Y/N)... I know you just dragged me out here, but we need to go home, especially you..." Gaara said quietly while getting up.

He sounded more like an adult to me then a little boy. It kinda confused me but I didn't show it

"Yeah..." I replied getting up, Gaara helping me by putting his hand out.

Normal POV

-time skip brought to you by lees liquor store-
(If you get that reference god bless you)

You and Gaara finally parted when you got into the village

As you were walking your path home, you noticed people staring at you

Some with pity, some with hatred, and some just staring with no emotion at all

You eventually walked down the street that your house was on.

You walked up your steps and turned the door knob.

'Wait' You thought to yourself

'(B/N)-San never leaves the door unlocked...'

You reluctantly opened the door

All Innocence gone(Gaara x Reader) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now