Chapter 17

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It's been a couple hours since our kiss. We're now walking on the path that goes straight to konoha. After the kiss you both walked back to the temporary camp site. Garra had helped you put the tent away and erase any evidence of people being in the area.

Ever since we left the forest it's just been an awkward silence between us two. We walk side by side. Garra looked forward acting as if nothing happened. I seemed to find the dirt of the path very interesting. I looked at him for a moment. I then put my head back down with a sigh.

After a few more moments of looking at the ground and walking I felt him grab my hand. I quickly looked up at him again. This time he looked back at me. "I hope you're okay with me holding your hand." He said monotonously. I looked down at our hands and then back at him. "T-That's alright." I said hesitantly. He held my hand tightly as we walked closer to Konoha. Every so often I'd glance at him. I didn't know how to feel about it at the time. I could feel the warmth from his han radiating into mine.

Oh god, my hands gonna get sweaty. I thought. Sure enough I could feel the wetness of my hand against his. I decided to keep walking and pretend nothings happening. Garra looked and me and I looked back at him. "There's nothing to be nervous about (Y/N). If you want me to stop holding your hand just say so." He started to slip his hand away before I made him stop, "W-Wait! You're fine, it's just... really hot out today." I put my hand back in his as I spoke. I gave him a small smile.

I looked forward and saw that the gates were now in view. "Shit." I whispered to myself and took my hand away from his. He looked at with confusion and I looked straight ahead at the guards. "Hello (Y/N)." Said on of them. "Hello." I replied coolly. "I see your that you have escorted him nicely. The Hokage wishes to speak with you about his arrangement." I nodded and walked into the village.

—— Time skip——

We eventually made it into the Hokage office and Tsunade was waiting. "Ah, Hello there Kazekage. I'm pleased to see you. I trust you had no trouble on your journey here?" Tsunade questioned glancing at you as she rose from her chair. "None except an attack from a paid assassin." Garra said with no expression. "Oh, that's unfortunate, did you catch a name?" Tsunade had a look of worry on her face. "No, but (Y/N) was injured." Garra replies. "Oh," Tsunade looks at me with concern. "It's nothing Tsunade I'm fine. I'll make sure to stop by the healing office." I said quickly. "Okay... just be more careful next time (Y/N)" she said worriedly. "Yes ma'am." I replied. "As for you Kazekage," Tsunade said turning back to Garra. "I'm afraid you'll have to be staying in a small hotel. We don't have many inns in our village and we want you to be comfortable so we hope it's alright." Tsunade said with a smile. "It's fine with me Hokage." Tsunade s smile grew"(Y/N) please escort him around the village and show him to the hotel" "Yes ma'am." I said as me and Garra began to walk to the door of the office.

— Time skip—

we eventually made it to the hotel after I showed him around. "It is quite small, hopefully they have a room big enough for me and you." I said looking at Gaara. He had stayed very close to me for the majority of the tour and it was no different now. "Hopefully So." Gaara replied. His hand brushed against yours as he walked inside. You followed. "Hello! Welcome to konoha Inn What May I do for you?" A cheery receptionist voice asked from behind the desk. "We will be need a room for two." Gaara replied. "Ah yes! I've been expecting you two! Please right this way!" The receptionist guided me and Gaara to a room. "Sorry Kazekage but the room is rather small. This is our biggest one and we hope it pleases you." The receptionist said shyly. "It's fine. Thank you sir." You said releasing him from his duty's.

You and Gaara walked inside the small room. "Well it isn't like what I had when I was Little was any better than this." Gaara mumbled to himself. You hesitantly held his hand. He looked at you. "Sorry it just felt like I should." You said shyly. "It's fine. I like." You looked back at him and smiled. You both were now facing each other. "(Y/N), why did you let go of my hand when we approached the gate?" Gaara asked while he squeezed my hand lightly. "I..." I tried to come up with words, "Gaara, you know that we shouldn't be together. I'm not saying I don't want to be with you, but if we do we should keep it a secret." You looked into his pale green eyes hoping he would understand. "Why should we hide it?" Gaara gave me a questioning look and squeezed my hand again. "Your the Kazekage, and I'm a high rank ninja from the leaf village. People from different villages aren't supposed to be this close." You explained trying not to be harsh. "(Y/N) you are from the sand village. Just because you decided to live here some of your life doesn't mean your not still a part of the sand village." Gaara said calmly, trying to keep his cool. "We're going in very diffrent directions Gaara. You have a village to run, and I have missions to do. Besides, after the meeting is over you'll go back to the sand, and I'll stay here." I said letting go of his hand and looking down at the floor. Gaara put his hand on my cheek and brought my face up. "(Y/N) it dosent have to be this way. You can come back to the sand with me. I can take you home with me and you can become a sand ninja." Gaara pleaded as he tried to get me to look at him. "I...Ill think about it." I said as I finally looked at him again. "For now, lets just forget about that." Gaara looked at me with small smile. "Fine." He replied and held my hand again. "Just remember Gaara, we must keep this a secret for now." He nodded and leaned in to lay a kiss on my forehead.

A/N: Yoskey my broskeys just wanted to apologize if you feel the book is progressing fast. There's gonna be a lemon soon. You've been warned.:)

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