110K 824 67

Sorry guys, it's not chocolate :(

You're probably sick of hearing from me by now LOL but I love you all please love me back :'( hahaha :P

First things first, I want to thank everyone who liked my facebook page and gave me review on goodreads.. I read each and everyone of them. Thank you so much! I'm gushing like there's no tomorrow from all the support you have given me. OMGGGG and don't even get me started with twitter! You guys are ao awesome I love you all for tweeting/re tweeting me! :D

Twitter: @chocolateluvaax

Now for the main reason of this post...MY BLOG IS READY! And its totally awesome! You can check it out here:

My publisher is helping me with it, so make sure to tell me how terrible it is. ;)

My publisher is also giving away 4 of the deleted chapters PLUS a secret prologue if you sign up! :O

So go sign up RIGHT NOW (don't worry I'll wait).


Did you go sign up?


Then go do it!

I'm serious...

Alright good. ;)

Now that you have signed up on the blog, it's time to announce the cover contest.

I have been blown away by the amazing covers you guys have sent me. (you guys are really good artists o_O). I am once again humbled by the sheer quantity of love. My publisher had to reject some of the covers (I know... I know... I wish they didn't also). But there were still so many amazing covers it just blows me away I love you all so much for putting in the time and amazing effort omg I just want to cry!

So now it's time to vote on which cover you like best (INSERT A JOKE HERE ABOUT WINNING Or SOMETHING) (hehe jk).

Now go start voting! :)

Voting ends at 12 midnight on the 22nd of May (Eastern Time Zone)

See you in the next update! :)

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