7| roommates

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Chapter seven| roommates

NALA stared in disgust at her friend and her new boy toy go at it.

They've been like this for the past five minutes and Nala was beginning to feel a bit queasy. 

"We're in public if you two have forgotten" She kindly reminded them noticing the looks and stares they received from others passing by.

Chanté reluctantly pulled away from Yugyeom's lips as he continued to stare at her lustfully while his hand began caressing her thigh skillfully slipping under her skirt. Nala hadn't notice as she sat on the other side of the table.

"Oh sorry my bad girl we just got a little carried away, right snuggums?" Chanté apologized shifting in her seat allowing Yugyeom to access with ease.

Yugyeom chuckled continuing what he had started not taking his eyes off her colorful facial expressions. "Yes noona".

Nala shook her head at the couple before saying what she had been trying to say all afternoon. "So you're the famous Yugyeom that my friend has yet to stop talking about".

She noticed how Chanté glared at her as there was a noticeable twinkle in his eyes. "Ahh really? What else did she mention about me?" He asked curiously finally turning in Nala's direction.  

"Nigga don't be getting too excited now".

"She mentioned you were a pretty great guy and dancer" Nala perked while drinking her iced coffee.

Tuesday's were surprisingly her unofficial day off from school as she only had one class, which was an elective and finished all her schoolwork from ahead of time leaving her time to do what she loved most.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that Nala is a dancer too!" Chanté piped up gripping onto the table for dear life causing Nala to look at her confused.

"So you're a dancer eh?" Yugyeom raised a brow turning his attention to Nala. She nodded eagerly with a smile while playing with a curl strand that didn't make it into her high puff. "Yes, I can dance to anything. Ballet, hip-hop, even tap if you want me to. The weird thing is that I never officially went to a dance school or anything I managed to teach myself everything"

To say he was impressed would be the least.

Right before Yugyeom could answer or Chanté could have a public orgasm a petite dirty blonde approached their table.

"Um can we help you?" Chanté asked politely sizing her up. 

Nala's eyes went wide in shock, she honestly forgot all about her roommate since she's been staying by her family's house in Brooklyn every night.

"Um no I...I came here for Nala. Nala can we speak privately for a moment?" Lenore kindly asked the younger girl who reluctantly agreed. Nala followed Lenore as they walked outside the coffee shop lounge area walking along the cobbled-stoned pathway. 

The two girls were unusually silent walking side by side with each other until one decided to break it.

"You haven't been by the dorm in a while. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought you moved out" Lenore smiled trying to get a response from Nala who had her hands tucked into her pockets with her mind elsewhere.

Lenore walked ahead stepping in front of her gaining her full attention. "Why'd you stop?" Nala raised a brow.

"To get your attention. Look, I know it was a pretty shitty move to abandon you at a party especially your first ever college party. There's no excuse for what I did and for that I am truly sorry" Lenore apologized sincerely. 

Nala crossed her arms taking in the sincerity of her roommate's apology.

"It was quite a spectacle seeing your reaction to everything that was going down, that was until I saw an ex boyfriend of mine and I totally panicked"

"You saw your ex?"

"Yeah I saw him and a few of his friends there. I should have known they would be there. They go every damn year..."

"Who was he?"

Lenore ran a hand through her wavy locks with a small smile. "He's a boy you won't ever have to worry about".

Nala extended out her hands inviting the blonde girl into a bear hug. A tight feeling unraveled in Lenore's chest, she needed the hug more than she expected. 

After making up with her roommate Nala returned inside the café lounge to see Chanté and Yugyeom standing up ready to leave. 

"Where you guys going?"

"Ahh I have dance practice soon" Yugyeom said helping Chanté put on her jacket. "And I have to study for biochem".

"Oh alright" Nala nodded throwing her bag over her shoulders. Yugyeom watched Nala as if debating an idea that popped up in his brain.

"You said you're a dancer right? Come with me. I think there's some people you'd like to meet..." 

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