Chapter 15 | Heart of Ice

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Chapter 15 | Heart of Ice

Haunting sounds could be heard deep within the dark forest, the moon  and stars was nowhere to be seen and pure darkness covered the empty night but one thing was certain, today is the day where dark creatures roam the night.

Multiple voices could be heard from afar, at first they seemed to be only murmurs but their voices grew louder and louder until they echoed all over the land.

'Everything will go back to the way it was once before.'

'The moon shall be bright indeed and shall guide the hearts in need.'

'Everything will go back to the way it was once before.'

'This is the way of the moon and the souls of the broken would be mended back once more.'

This chanting could be heard from the old small house in the middle of the dark forest. A place where other magical beings roam with no fear from being discovered by humans.

This place is not visible to the naked human eye for it only opens it entrance to those of it's blood.

'Blood shall be spilled once more as the dark day arrives, and ties shall be cut.'

The three voices of the powerful witches rang throughout the silent forest.

'Will the light ever go out?'

The three witches stood proud and tall, even though they have been hundreds of years old, all of them still looked young.

The eldest witch had hair that was as beautiful as the sunset, a flaming orange that seems to come alive with eyes as green as emeralds.

The second one had hair that was as dark as the moonless sky with eyes darker than obsidian.

The youngest one had hair as golden as the treasures found in the Goblin king's throne room with her eyes as beautiful as amethyst.

And they all had the same look in their eyes; pure unadulterated loathing.

"She will have her memories back." The oldest of the three said

"Yes," The second agreed. "but she will lose something in return." The second Witch laughed maniacally, soon the other witches joined her.

"Not something!" Argued the youngest. "Someone!"  She corrected.

The three witches laughed, their throats produced eerie noises as they celebrated the nearing day of the dead.

The Dark Day in the Blue Orion Pack.

"But that is not all sisters," The eldest one said with her voice containing glee. "there's a traitor in their midst."

The three witches looked at each other then each of them released a guffaw. Their eyes gleamed sadistically as they wait silently for the right moment to strike.

This is for their  fallen sister.

"Is that Alpha Mavric Richards' kid still alive?" asked the second one spitting the word Alpha from her lips.

"He is, sadly." Came the disgusted tone of the youngest one.

"What was his name again?" Asked the second one while looking for the bottle of perfume that can hide one's scent.

"I forgot, we never cared about that abomination anyway." The eldest one said in a haughty tone.

"I think he had an 'S' somewhere in his name." Replied the youngest.

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