26: That Ends Well

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Loose End, noun.

1. A part or piece left hanging, unattached, or unused.
2. An unsettled detail, as of a business matter.


Although Tate and Dean's apartment was quite large, it hardly seemed big enough for all the supernaturals gathered together. There had to be nearly a hundred of them; the rescues consisted of quite a large group already. Their parents caused the group to more than double in number. But that was fine; no one seemed to mind the cramped space. Everyone was happy to simply be there. That wouldn't have been possible a week ago. Most of them were still locked in a cage then, and trapped in a corridor of Pulse.

And here we were. Having tea, or coffee. Or some kind of soda for the most of us.

There was pie too!

I had seen Alexis come in with a big smile on her face earlier. Lucas had been right beside her; he had missed a week of school, claiming a stomach bug. Everyone knew he had spent his time with her. He was helping her catch up on school work. But he was also helping her mentally. Neither of them had told me; I just knew. It was like that now. Since the rescue operation, I had been able to tell things about people. Things like their mental state. Their emotions were much clearer to me now too. Tate called it reading people. Dean said it was nothing more than the development of my siren power. They had been dormant for quite a long time; they had never been actively used. Now that they were in almost constant contact with the supernatural, that they were actually needed, they were progressing by leaps and bounds.

I hadn't told either of them, but I think sitting in that corridor with Tate as he had used his powers had really kick-started them. My powers were being used intensively; of course, they would progress so rapidly. Many of the rescues had nightmares; they wanted to talk to me. They told me very little of what they had been through, but knowing I would listen to them when they chose, that they didn't have to be careful with their words must have made it easier. Quite a few had told me they had felt more relaxed after having tea with me for an afternoon. They would go home and crash but there wouldn't be any nightmares waiting for them. Just sleep.

And that dreamless sleep was something I could see the value of. I had had a dreamless sleep that night after the rescue; I had been vaguely aware of Tate carrying me outside but aside from that, nothing. Apparently, it had been a real mess. There had been little left for Dean to clean up afterward, and what had been left had been easy enough to get rid of. I had slept right through it; I couldn't say I regretted having missed it. I had woken up the next morning, refreshed, ready to tackle the day, and just in time to get a ride to school from Dean.

There was another benefit to having rescued the supernaturals.

I looked over the heads of the guests at the window. No more rain. Instead, a weak watery sun had appeared behind the clouds. Turned out, the rain had been the doing of a parent. A water elemental who had sworn it would rain until his son was returned. He made good on that promise. Had I known, I would have done all in my power to help the hellhounds find the supernaturals quicker. I had seen more than enough rain for a lifetime.

Looking around, I felt quite pleased with myself. I might not have been as important as Tate and Dean had been in bringing everyone home, but I liked to remind myself I had played a part. I had found the Pulse symbol on the back of Danielle's hand, moving them along. And I liked to think if I hadn't gone with them on their rescue mission, it might not have gone quite as calmly as it had with the rescues. That was the excuse I told myself mostly for when I felt guilty, thinking back on how useless I had been. Or maybe not quite useless, but I had definitely been a hindrance.

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