Chapter 12

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Eros's POV

I was sitting in my office, happy that Scarlett would be mine soon.

Yeah, she would be yours. Please don't forget me.

I can't even if I want to.

Hey, I think we forgot something. something very important.


Don't know, can't point it out.

Okay, when you remember do tell me.

Then I buried myself in my work.

Oh damn!

I remember.


That we are forgetting something.

And what is that?

You forget to tell the devil I mean your mom about the meeting. She'll kill you man.

Shit, you're right I should call her.

I took my phone and dialed my mom's number.

"Hey mom" I said.

"Oh, you got time to remember me, so nice of you" she taunted.

Apologise to her now, otherwise she'll kick your butt.

"Um... sorry mom, I got indulged in work that's why I forgot to call you" I apologised.

"Forget it, now tell me how was your meeting with Scarlett?" She excitingly asked.

I smiled.

Man you are whipped.

I shaked my head to remove all the thoughts.

"Yes mom, it was nice meeting her and I liked her and decided that I'll marry her. I found her quite interesting " I stated.

She squealed in my ears through the phone.

Your ears man, helllooooo, heellllloooo, can you listen to me?

Shut up.

Oh you can.

"I'm so happy son. I love you so much. I know she's right for you. I'm glad that you liked her" she said.

I think she must be jumping right now because of happiness.

I chuckled.

"Have you told her mom about it? Oh my god, we have a lot of things to do, your engagement, your wedding, your honeymoon" she rambled.

Whoa! I think she also planned the names for your children, she is superfast.

"Relax mom. I just said yes today, all things will be managed, don't panic" I calmed her.

She took a deep breath.

"Your right son. I'm so much happy because of you." she said while taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"I'm glad that you are happy" I said.

"Okay son. I got to go now. I should congratulate my dear friend too. Love you son, Bye" she said after that she hung up.

Your mom is not that bad, may be, I was wrong about her.



I heard sounds of people speaking, especially yelling of Maya.

What's happening?

Let's wait and watch, because I also don't know.

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