Chapter 7: A New Friend

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Tyler Lockwood on the side->
A/N:-He's not a werewolf or anything, I just stole the 'name' from TVD 😂😂

Samantha's POV

"SAMANTHA RACHEL MILLER!, get your ass up now!!" someone screamed, I jumped off my bed and fell over by butt.

"Oww Dylan, why the hell did you do that?" I said rubbing the paining area.

"Because my dear sissy, school starts in less than half hour." he smiled.

"Crap!!" I never overslept before, why may you ask? Because my stupid brain drifted off to Alec everytime I tried to sleep.

"Yeah crap, now get ready or you will miss breakfast." he said before leaving me in my room.

I rushed to my closet and took out a simple a crop top with a pair of ripped jeans.

Running towards the bathroom, I steeped in it and hit the shower.

After total 10minutes, I was ready for the school.

There was no time to do my hair so I decided to keep it flowing down my shoulder.

I nearly tripped over when I was running through the stairs.

"Careful sweetie, you could have hurt yourself". My mother said.

"But mom, I'm gonna be late for school if I don't hurry up!" I said and started eating my breakfast as fast as I can.

I know, I can be a messy eater sometimes. But, hey only when I'm in a hurry.

"Relax princess, you still have time." Dad assured me.

"No dad, I don't ha-", I can't even complete that sentence because I saw in the living room clock that there was still half and hour left. How can it be possible?


He messed with my alarm clock. That prick! That means it was not Alec's fault.

"Dylan!!!" I shouted his name in anger.

"Whoa princess, what happened?" he said faking innocence and appears from the kitchen.

"Don't you princess me you asshole!, why the heck did you messed with my alarm clock?!"

"It was joke chill", he said like it was no big deal.

"Pig" I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Chicken" he smirked.

"Je-Enough of both of you!!" Dad suddenly bursted out on us and I stopped mid sentence.

I was so scared because Dad can be scary sometimes especially when he is angry. Guess Dylan saying me chicken was right, I was a chicken after all.

But he doesn't have to know that right?

"For god's sake, aren't you ever get tired by messing with your sister? " Dad asked my brother in irritating tone and I smirked at his direction.

Karma is a female dog.

"I'm sorry dad, it will not happen again." Dylan apologised to Dad, all defeated.

"Hmm, and you young lady, maintain your language." he said to me with a straight face.

"Uh...okay dad". I said with a nod.

"Honey, now you're really going to be late." says my mom pointing towards the clock.

"Oh no, only 14mintues left!" I said finishing my eating.

I went towards the door and put on my vans.

"Hurry up Dylan!" I said to him who was drinking his juice and taking forever to complete it.

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