Episode 47: Kisses

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"WHAT THE FUCK" yelled a voice.
It scared me, making me flinch. Since I was still hugging Tae, I grasp his shirt.

Then I felt a tug on me. "AHHH!" I yelled scared of hitting the ground.

"DONT DO THAT AGAIN TAEHYUNG!" The guy screamed.

I covered my ears. The voice sounded really mad. It was scary. I felt like crying I was so scared.

Guessing the guys saw me tearing up. "You're gonna make her cry." Said Namjoonie.

I felt whoever holding me tense up. He tensed? Why? He then lessened his grip on me.

He kissed me forehead.

WAIT HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD? What will Kookie do? Oh my god Jungkook is going to be so pissed. Scary!

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to..."

BABE? What am I going to do?

"Uh... Um.. Sorry b...but I have a.... Uh.. Boyfriend...." I said still scared.

"Wh...what? I.... I thought...." He said.

Who is this anyways?

I turned to see who it was and saw......

Do Kyung-soo......

My eyes widen. Everyone knew him as D.O. He is one of couple of people to ask me out.

I've almost said yes to him, but decided not to.

I was about to respond to him but heard a yell. "HEY BUDDY MOVE AWAY"

As I was about to turn to see who it was D.O pulled me into him.

Kyung Soo's POV
I turned her into me. Before she could look at this crazy guy yelling at me. I love Y/N with ALL of my heart. I'd do anything for her. I've asked her out every year but she never said yes. I could tell she wanted to but she didn't.

"HEY LET HER GO" that guy yelled again. I shook my head. She was mine and I wasn't giving her up again. Not so easily either.

"Now or I will not hesitate to beat the living crap out of you!" He yelled but less loud. I smirked and yelled no to him.

"I gave you a chance buddy!" He said starting to come at me. This time he was also smirking. I wasn't scared I've gotten into many fights. Won them all.

I pulled out a knife and yelled, "Stay away or this knife will drive into her leg!" I didn't want to hurt her. I loved her after all.

His eyes widened as everyone else's did. He stepped back. Yes right where I knew he would. "Is this one your boyfriend?" I whispered into her ear. I turned her around and her body tensed.

"Well is it?" I asked again. She was still for a moment and then nodded her head. "Ok, I won't hurt him if you come with me ok?" I asked. She didn't answer.

I shook her a little and she nodded. She still staring at him. "Stop staring!" I yelled into her ear slightly. She flinched and nodded. I smirked and...

Jungkook's POV
He was talking to her and kept nodding. "Stop staring!" He yelled into her ear. Seeing her small body flinch boiled my blood.

My fist was already clinched. I was furious. He then smirked and got close to her. I growled. He placed a kiss onto her cheek. "Alright I am taking Y/N with me and she has agreed, isn't that right?" He said placing a kiss onto her neck.

Then she did what I was scared of........

She nodded.

"NO! You! I'll! You will not take her!" I yelled. She looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked at her and back at him. I closed my eyes and nodded.

Then he KISSED THE CORNER OF HER MOUTH! And laughed. And took her out of the building.....

I went weak and fell onto my knees. I yelled in pain and cried.


Awww sad chapter😭😭😭. But its ok because......


I know 1k isn't a lot for some but it is for me. Thanks!

Much love to you all!♥️

~ Dylann

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