Sick Bella

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Evelyn's POV

"Look Bella's a strong young woman, I'm sure she'll be fine" I assure my big brother. Who'd just gotten a call from Bella about not feeling well and catching some sort of bug on her honeymoon. "I'm meeting Esme now, I'll see if she has anymore information" I state.

"Thanks Evy" he says smiling sheepishly. "I have to go to work, have a nice lunch" he adds kissing my forehead before leaving. I then hop onto my scooter and ride it to the Cullens house. When I get there I knock on the door.

Carlisle answers it and I smile at him. "Hey Carlisle, I'm here for lunch. Esme and I are going to the local diner" I explain.

"Actually she..." he starts to say.

"Aunt Evy!" I hear a familar voice call.

"Bella!" I shout entering the house looking at Carlisle confused.  She calls my name again and I run into the living room. To see her on the couch covered in a blanket looking ghastly. With the Cullens spotted around the room, Rosalie beside her.

"Aunt Evy" she says smiling.

"Bella what are you doing here?" I ask her confused. "Charlie said you were sick and you look terrible" I state.

"I can explain, but you can't tell Charlie" she tells me.

"A secret, oh we haven't kept a secret from him together in so long" I say smiling. "Tell me all about it" I say as I sit beside her.

"Bella, think about what you're doing" Edward tells her.

"She has the right to know Edward, I trust her the most in my family. I need her now more then ever" Bella tells him. "Aunt Evy have you ever heard the Quileute legends?" she asks me.

"Of course, I practically grew up on the reserve" I tell her smiling. "I've heard all about the cold ones and wolf shifter. And know they're real" I add looking at the Cullens. "You're vegetarians, right?" I ask them.

"Yes, we only drink animal blood" Esme answers. "How come you never mentioned this before?" she asks me confused.

"I know you must have laws about keeping yourself hidden from humans. I didn't want to endanger you or your family. Besides people probably would of called me crazy if I said anything" I say shrugging. "So what does this have to do with your current condition?" I ask Bella.

"Rosalie, help me up" she says and I stand up. Backing away so that Rosalie could help her up. When she does I see a six - seven month pregnant belly.

"How is this possible?" I ask while looking at her stomach. "May I?" I ask and she nods her head smiling gently. I place my hands on her stomach and am meet by a strong kick. "Wow, you have a future football (Soccer) player in there" I say chuckling. "Hello little one, I'm your great aunt Evy" I tell the baby kissing Bella's covered stomach.

"How are you so calm about this?" Edward asks me. "Have you seen what this is doing to Bella?" he snaps.

"It's a baby Edward, an innocent baby" I scold him. "If Bella wants to give birth to it, you can't stop her. Besides I'm sure she wouldn't do it if she thought she wouldn't make it" I state.

"I'm going to have Carlisle turn me at the last minute" Bella states.

"We don't even know if that's possible Bella" Jasper tells her.

"I can't see your future anymore Bella or the fetus'" Alice states.

"Say the word Alice" Rosalie snaps. "Baby, it's just a little baby" she states.

"That reminds to be seen" Carlisle states. "Ultrasound can't even show me anything" he explains.

"I'm sure there are legends about this happening, we just need to research it" I tell them. "Bella you rest and try to stay as healthy as possible" I tell her. "The rest of us will research legends and myths" I state. The others go do that while I help Bella sit down again.

"Thank you Aunt Evy" she says smiling gently.

"I'd do the same thing in your place Bella, any mother would" I tell her. "Though I wish Edward was more supportive of your decision. But I'm sure he'll come around" I say smiling.

"I hope so" she says rubbing her stomach. "I'm glad I have another human to talk about all of this. Remember Charlie can't know about them or the pregnancy. Just reaffirm the story that I'm sick" she tells me.

"Will do" I assure her. "Now rest, Rosalie please watch over her for me" I tell them. Rosalie nods her head smiling as I head for the kitchen. Where Esme had already prepared me a sandwich. "Thanks Esme" I say smiling as I accept the sandwich.

"The others have started to research old legends and myths" she tells me.

"Great, I'll do the same when I'm free. The party will have to wait" I tell her. "Keep me updated ok" I say an hour later. Esme assured me she would and I hug her goodbye. Before hoping onto my scooter and riding back to Charlie's house.


Picture above of pregnant Bella.

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