16. Reputation

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A/N: it's not proofreading so let me know if I made any mistakes

Yoongi didn't know what to do.

He wanted to tell Jimin Krystal knew. He did because he knew Krystal and there was absolutely no chance that Krystal wouldn't tell anyone. He hoped that she would just keep it between them but he knew that was highly unlikely.

Lee Krystal was the last person Yoongi wanted to know about his child. She was popular and captain of the cheerleading team. Everyone knew her and either liked her or hated her.

She also happened to be the biggest gossiper in school. If Krystal knew something chances were everyone would know within the hour. You had a better chance of winning the lottery than Krystal keeping your secret. By the time he laid eyes with her, her minions were probably already spreading the word.

Jimin should know that most people would know by tomorrow morning but Yoongi couldn't bring himself to tell him. Today was a day they were supposed to be happy. It was the younger's birthday. For fucks sakes they just found out they were having a little girl. Yoongi was supposed to be happy not dealing with the stress of the school finding out about this.

He knew the people at his school were cruel. He had seen it when Hoseok went through this. He remembered Hoseok constantly stressed over what he should do with Soo min. People were constantly attacking her and Hoseok felt helpless. He wanted to help her but he cared way to much about his reputation.

Yoongi hated to admit it but he cared about his reputation as well. He didn't know if he would be able to throw it all away. He had worked so hard to gain it over the past four years.

"You okay?" Jimin looked at Yoongi curiously. He could tell the older was spaced out, he had been all throughout dinner.

Yoongi looked over at him. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." He mumbled. They were once again on the balcony, the night sky above them.

The only difference today was the small decorations Yoongi had Jin set up while he was out with Jimin. It was nothing big just a couple balloons that said 'Happy Birthday' and cupcakes. Nonetheless Jimin had shed a couple tears when seeing it.

"You didn't have to do this." Jimin said sniffing. Yoongi had only smiled at him.


"Thinking about what?" Jimin pushed.

Yoongi sighed, internally debating whether he should tell Jimin or not. He would know either way but at least he'd have a couple more stress free hours. "Don't worry about it, it's nothing."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you regretting wanting to keep the baby?" He whispered.

It was the only thing that made sense to him since Yoongi had been acting weird since they left the doctors office. Maybe finding out the gender was to much for him.

"No! Of course not." Yoongi answered quickly sitting up. He turned so he was fully facing the seventeen year old. "I'm not regretting it. I still very much want her."

"Then what is it? You've been off all day. Tell me what's bothering you."

Yoongi closing his eyes for a second before reopening them seeing how worried Jimin was. "Okay." He hesitated before stuttering out "Krystal saw us at the clinic."

Jimin physically flinched. He knew Krystal. She was a bitch to anyone that aren't up to her standards. She viewed people like Jimin like scum on earth.

"Oh god no." He closed his eyes tight. "This can't be happening." His breathing picked up.

"Hey, hey stay calm okay. It'll be okay." Yoongi tried reassuring him.

Jimin shook his head. "You're only saying that because people won't be attacking you."

"No one will attack you." Yoongi reassured him. He reached out to grab Jimin's hands only for Jimin to snatch them away.

"You know that's a lie." He covered his face with his hands. He mumbled words Yoongi couldn't hear.

Yoongi couldn't do anything but watch. No matter what he said He wouldn't be able to convince him he'd be okay.

"Minnie." He whispered. "I promise you'll be okay. I'll make sure you're okay." He pulled his hands away from Jimin's face. He stared into the boy's distressed eyes. His reputation didn't mean anything when it came down to Jimin and his daughter.


Sorry it took me a while to update and for the fact that this isn't that great of an update. I've had a bit of writers block.

I start school tomorrow ( by the time you're reading this probably today).

I have a question for y'all cause I want to get to know you. How old are you guys and what grade in school do you go to (that is if you go to school at all).

I'm 17 and I'm starting my senior year in high school.

Mistake  // YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang