26. To stay or not to stay

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Everything was silent as the teens stood over the crib watching their daughter sleep without a care in the world. She was so peaceful not realizing just how much her existence changed her parents.

She was the cause of so many emotions that went through the teens. She was the light of their eyes. To Yoongi she was his everything. From the moment he heard her cries he knew he would give up his own life for his princess if he ever had to. He would do everything in his power to make sure that she had everything she ever needed. He would support her dreams no matter how unrealistic they may be, he promised himself to always be her number one supporter.

"So what now?" Yoongi finally asked the question that had been on his mind for the past 24 hours. Since the moment he had seen Jimin interact with the baby. Since he himself had fallen head over heels for his little girl.

Jimin stayed quiet. Yoongi began to believe that the younger hadn't heard him. He was about to repeat himself when a shaky voice finally responded.

"Taehyung is coming to pick me up to take me to my parents." He was shaking. "He should be here any minute now."

Jimin didn't dare to look at Yoongi. He didn't want to see the look of hurt and betrayal that was surely on the older's face. If he was in Yoongi's position he'd feel the same way.

"I'll leave you to say your goodbyes." Yoongi's voice was barely above a whisper. He knew if he spoke any louder he would breakdown.

He took a deep breath looking down at the little girl that now had her eyes wide open.

"Well hello there." He whispered picking her up. "Did you have a nice nap, my love?" He made his way over to Yoongi's bed sitting on the edge of it.

"God," he cried out looking at the tiny girl. "If only you came a little later in life." He traced her features with his finger. Trying to remember each and every tiny detail. His vision was fogged with tears that he desperately didn't want to let fall.

"Please never think this was an easy decision because it's not. Know that I love you so so much." He choked out. His heart felt heavier and heavier the longer he sat there with her in his arms. He knew that if he didn't leave now he wouldn't be able to so he stood from the bed, placing her back in her crib.

He stood there for a couple seconds. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. "I'm leaving knowing you will be safe and loved. Your daddy is the best guy ever and he will protect you always." Jimin sniffed wiping his tears. And with one final glance he walked out of the room.

Yoongi was leaning up against the wall. He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at Jimin. "I'll go wait outside."

He didn't get far before he felt a hand grab his wrist. It wasn't a gentle hold either. Yoongi's grip was tight so that Jimin couldn't just shake him off.

"Please don't make this harder than it has to be." Jimin pleads not turning around. He couldn't look at Yoongi, he just couldn't without completely breaking down.

"This doesn't have to be hard, Jimin. Please just stay." Yoongi was desperate as he pleaded to the boy. "Please."

Jimin shook his head trying to pull his wrist away from the older. "I can't Yoongi."

"Why?! Huh?! Why can't you stay?!" Yoongi had tried desperately during the whole situation to not lash out over Jimin's decision. He tried understanding Jimin but he just couldn't. He tried and tried for months but he couldn't. "Because of your fucking parents?!" He shouted, his grip unintentionally getting tighter as he pulled Jimin to turn him around so he was facing him.

"I need them, Yoongi!" Jimin shouted back. "You don't get it because you have these loving support parents. They supported you through all this shit but mine didn't! I didn't have my family and now I have the chance to get them back. I'm not gonna throw that away!"

Yoongi clenched his jaw releasing Jimin from his death grip. "Don't you get what you're doing?" He asked tilting his head to the side. "You're fucked up over your parents not being there for you well guess what?" His voice got louder with ever word. "You're doing that to her." He gestured towards the bedroom. "You're doing the exact same thing your parents did to you and leaving her. You'll never be there to support her through all her life decisions."

A single tear ran down Jimin's cheek. "I need them." He whispered. He was visibly shaking.

Yoongi scoffed. "And you don't think she needs you!" He shouted way louder than he had intended. "She needs you! You're her fucking parent too!" Yoongi had tears glazed over his eyes but refused to let them fall.

Jimin fell silent. He didn't say anything. He simply shook his head turning around making his way down the stairs, Yoongi following behind him not yet done with the argument.

"Jimin!" The older shouted, he could see his family watching from the living room but he didn't care.

"I can't Yoongi!" Jimin turned around to face him, only inches away from the door. "I just-" He choked on his own tears. "I can't do this." He turned around taking the couple of steps left to get to the door.

"Then that's it? You're leaving? Fine!" Yoongi shouted as Jimin opened the door. "But don't try coming back later." Jimin paused not moving a muscle. "You walk out and that's it. Don't come back ever because I won't let you come in and out of her life like that. So walk out knowing you will never see her again."

Everything was deafeningly silent the seconds that followed Yoongi's statement. Jimin stayed frozen by the door. His fingers twitching on the door knob. And just as Yoongi began to think Jimin would stay the younger finally moved. He walked out of the house without a second thought closing the door behind him.

And that was how Jimin broke not only Yoongi's heart but his own.


Y'all good?


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