Chapter 28

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When I woke up, I found myself in our bedroom.

'I clearly remembered about falling asleep at library but how did I end up here? Oh right. My husband brought me here. But where is he?'

I looked around the room but didn't saw my husband. I sighed in relief when I realized he might have left for office. I got up and made my way to bathroom. After dressing up, I went downstairs. Amy greeted me and served me my plate.

I eat my breakfast after asking her about Lucifer. She told me he went to office early today. Since I didn't ate anything yesterday, Amy decided to give a plateful of breakfast. Suddenly, the door bell rang. One of the maid went to open it and soon Sebastian entered the dining hall.

I get up and greeted him.
"Good morning Sebastian"
"Good morning Maisie" he said cheerfully.
"Lucifer is not home"
"I know" he grinned.
"Ohh. He might have forgotten something important. You can go to his study" I said politely with a smile.
"No no. I'm not here for Lucifer but for you"
"Yes. Lucifer asked me to take you to your friend, Bella" he said, again grinning like a fool, looking extremely happy.
I was shocked, would be an understatement. I was beyond shock. After what he done yesterday, he want me to go out, to visit Bella??

"I'm sorry Sebastian. But I don't want to go now" I tried to decline him politely. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, Sebastian's face went dull as his smile vanished.

"But why Maisie? Let's go and meet your friend. I'll protect you. I promise" he argued. I tried to convince him but at last he convinced me.

"Fine. We'll go. But why did Lucifer send you? He always send guards" I asked in confusion, tilting my head slightly.
"Ouch. I'm offended. Are you not happy with my company?" He asked dramatically. My eyes went wide in fear of really hurting his feelings.
"I-I..... I'm enjoying your company. I didn't mean to hurt-" my blabbering was stopped by Sebastian's charming laugh.

"I'm just teasing you Maisie. Let's go" he ruffled my hair with a brotherly manner and we went towards his car. After talking and deciding a place to meet, Bella cut the call.

"So, how old is Bella?" Sebastian asked nervously.
"She is 20" I said while trying to stop giggling at Sebastian's behavior.
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
"She had once. But I don't know now. Do you want to ask her out? But you haven't even met her yet" I  asked, unable to stop my curiosity.
Sebastian sighed and said "I don't know Maisie. But I just have a feeling that I know this Bella"

Now I was more confused. "What do you mean?"
"I once had a friend. Her name was Bella too. And she loved baking. But due to some circumstances, I had to leave her. It has been years, but I'm still looking for her. That day, when I tasted your cookies, I slightly felt Bella's baking. God I can give anything to have her back" he sighed.

I smiled at him and asked "You love her?".
He looked at me for some moments, then smiled and said "With all my heart".

After talking and laughing, we reached a small bakery shop. It was new. We entered the shop and a sweet smell of bread and cookies hit my nose. Bella came from my behind and yelled "SURPRISE!!" startling me.

"What..." I lost my words but looked at her in confusion. She only laughed
and hugged me. I returned her hug in confusion.

"I missed you so much, May. And surprise! It's my new shop" she explained. A wide smile came on my face when I realized she own the place.

"I'm so happy for you Bella. And all the best for the shop" I said excitedly.
Then I realized I was forgetting something.


"Ohh. I forgot to introduce you to someone" I pulled Sebastian to my side, "Bella meet Sebastian. My husband's best friend and a brother to me. And Sebastian, this is Bella. One of my best friend and the best Baker I've ever met".

Sebastian was frozen. Neither he said anything nor did he move. While Bella looked shocked for a moment but soon she frowned and looked at me.

"Did you just say husband??" She asked. I then remembered I never told her about my marriage. I never got a chance. After Mr and Mrs Hall's death, this was the first time we met.

I smiled weakly and showed my ring to her. "I'm married".
Her eyes went wide and mouth agape. Seconds went in silence. Suddenly she started yelling "WHAT THE HELL? YOU DIDN'T TELL ME. MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU DIDN'T INVITED ME. HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? AM I NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU?? HOW THE HELL CAN YOU FORGET ME? MAY??"

I jumped at her outburst. "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance. And again I'm sorry, I didn't invited you. Those days were hectic. I really am sorry, Bella" I apologized.

Slowly she calmed down and smiled and hugged me tightly. "You might have your own reasons. Don't feel so bad. Although I'm hurt but I'm letting you go".

"I'm really sorry. Tell me how can I make it up to you?" I asked. She pretend to think for a while, then grinned "How about spending the whole day with me?".

I suddenly get anxious thinking about Lucifer's anger. My smile vanished and I started fidgeting my fingers, in anxiety.
"I-I... I don't know. I'm sorry bu-".
"We can stay" Sebastian cut me off of my sentence. Bella brimmed in happiness.

"Let me check my cookies. You two please take your seats" she said while going inside the kitchen.

"What about Lucifer?" I asked. My tone was filled with fear. Sebastian smiled at me and said
"Shhh. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. Okay? I'll call him". Saying this, he went out.

I sighed and went to sit on a chair, waiting for both of them.

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