Chapter 34

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*Few days later

I was with Bella, in her shop. Since Sebastian was quite busy, Lucifer sent a lady guard with me. She is nice. All three of us were currently baking chocolate cookies for ourselves. Baking with Bella is fun. She will guide you like a teacher and will have fun with you like a friend.

While talking, I saw a little boy looking at us through the glass wall. Since it was a sweet shop, its front was made up of glass. I looked at him curiously but noticed that he was not looking at us, but was eyeing the cookies. I got up of my seat and took a plateful of the delicious cookies.

"Mam, where are you going?" Rose, my guard, asked.
"I think the boy wants some cookies. You two carry on, I'll be right back and please call me Maisie"
"Fine mam, I mean Maisie. I'll come with you too" saying this, she got up.
"Ohh its fine Rose. She is just going to be there" Bella said gesturing towards the shop door.
"But its an order not to-"
"Shh shut it. You go may. I'll stay here with Rose" Bella said. Rose sighed and sat back down.
"I'll come in few minutes" I said and went out of the shop.

The boy looked scared at my arrival but once his eyes landed on the cookies, he grinned cutely. I knelt down before him to match his height.

"Here. You want this?" I forwarded the plate before him.
"But momma says not to eat anything from strangers" he said with his sweet, cute baby voice.
"I'm no stranger. Since I'm offering you my cookies, I'll be your friend"
"My friend?"
"Yes. Now eat" I smiled at him.
He took a cookie in both of his hands and forwarded one little hand towards me, while eating from the other one.
"You said we are friends. Here, you eat from my hand" he said, eating his own cookie.
I giggled at his behavior and took a bite from his hand.

Suddenly, a woman came running towards us, panting heavily.
"Jesus. What is wrong with you boy? Do you want to kill your mother?" She said while picking the boy in her arms and hugging him lovingly. She silently thanked God. I smiled looking at them.

Then she noticed me and said, "I'm sorry if he troubled you. He suddenly disappeared from the mall". Just then I realized that her eyes were red, from crying.

I smiled again, "No. He is no trouble. He is a sweet kid. I was just giving him this cookies".
"Momma, taste one. Those cookies are very yummy" the boy said.
"Here, take this plate little one" I gave him the plate of cookies. He happily grabbed it and starts eating.
"Huh...what am I going to do with this kid? Well thank you for looking after him. We must go now" his mother said in a grateful voice. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Bye cookie lady" the boy waved his small hands at me. I chuckled and waved back.

"Beautiful" suddenly a voice came from my behind, startling me. I looked back and saw Jason, looking at me with adoration and some other emotions. My smile instantly vanished at seeing him.

'Well you can't blame me for not being happy at seeing him. Last time I checked, Lucifer was over angry because I met someone, accidentally'.

"Jason?" I whisper.
"Hey Maisie. are you?"
"Good. You?"
He didn't answer but nodded his head.
"I didn't knew you got married? Why so soon?"
" was in a blink. I...I-"
"You are happy with him right?"
"Yes. I am"
He looked hurt for a second but covered it by a smile, "Well I'm sorry I didn't talked to you that day. was quite shocking to see you as Mrs Knight. It was hard" he whispered the last line, but I caught it.

I was confused, so I tilted my head slightly. He took few steps towards me. I gulped down and asked, "I didn't expected to see you here. Do you need anything?".
He looked like he wanted to say something. A lot of things but kept it shut.
"I'm here to apologize for my behavior that day. And also to invite you to the upcoming party. Hope you will come".
"Yes. We will come" I smiled at him.
He again looked lost for a moment but shook his head and went away, without saying anything.

I was shocked by his behavior. I stand there, at my position, confused. Suddenly Rose and Bella came out of the shop and asked me if everything is fine. I told them about the little boy and his mother.

"Is there anything else, Maisie?" Rose looked at me suspiciously. I smiled and shook my head. Then we bid our farewell to Bella and went home.

'I guess, I'll tell Lucifer about Jason myself'.

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