9- Shane's Aching Neck

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Shane awoke to light coming through the entrance to the tent. It was morning. Ryan was still snuggled up next to him, sleeping. Shane smiled at the smaller man sleeping in his arms.
He then heard a rustling at the front of the tent. The tent opened.

Ned's face popped in and he smirked at the sight of them.

"Oh hey Ned." Shane whispered.

At this point Ryan was beginning to wake up. He sleepily opened his eyes and looked at Shane. When he did he smiled. He then looked at Ned. "Good morning." He mumbled and then buried his face into Shane.

Shane blushed. Ned giggled and said, "We are leaving soon. You guys better start packing up and getting ready to leave."

"Okay." And with that, Ned's head disappeared.

Ryan and Shane got up, and starts packing along with the other Try Guys.


They had arrived at Ryan's house. Everyone was sitting on the couches, just talking.

"Guys I should probably get going." Ned suddenly piped up. "I just got a text from my wife."

A chorus of bye's went around the room.

Pretty soon Eugene had to leave as well. Leaving Shane, Ryan, Keith, and Zach.

They all talked for a bit, laughed, pretty soon it was 3 pm. They all had lost track of time.

"oh shoot we have to go!" Zach exclaimed. So he and Keith said bye, and left.

Shane and Ryan sat on the couch in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. A very comfortable silence.

Pretty soon they both fell asleep while just sitting on the couch. Shane's arm wrapped around Ryan's smaller body. Ryan was leaned into Shane, a small smile on his face.


They both slept soundly for almost 2 hours. Eventually they had to wake up. Shane woke up first, complaining that his neck was hurting. His shifting causing Ryan to wake up as well.

"What...?" Ryan sleepily mumbled.

"My neck hurts."

Ryan took this chance to complain about Shane's height for the millionth time. "Probably cause you're so freaking tall."

"Hey!" Shane exclaimed playfully. "I'm not tall, you're just short."

"No I'm the average height. You tower over everyone like Bigfoot."

"Okay whatever you say..." Shane smiled. "Shortie." They were both silent for a minute. Until Shane remembered about his aching neck. "But seriously my neck still hurts."

"Then, gee I dont know lets go somewhere more comfortable" Ryan replied Sarcastically.

"Okay then." So they got up and went to Ryan's room, shutting the door behind them.

(A/N no stop thinking like that -.-)

They laid down, and went to sleep. Much more comfortable than before. Luckily this time Shane's neck didn't hurt.

448 words

I know, I know such a disappointment. This is just a filler chapter sorry :/

Anywho the next chapter will DEFINITELY be longer probably :)

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