Chapter 9:

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Quick and Brief A/N:
Hey guys! Guess what! Monday was my birthday! I am officially a year older. Okay. Thanks. Have a wonderful day.

When you can't sleep, so you upload close to midnight.


Your POV:

"That is impossible." Die stated. "Angels fled with the witches when Dark became king." Die shrugged. Dark glared when Die said witches. Anti sat frozen. My eyes never left him.

"It is possible. Anything is possible in this world, Die." Dark shook his head. "An angel living along us for years, undetected, is clearly fucking possible." Dark motioned to me.

"Then how did we not find out sooner?" Die asked.

"Why did the angels flee with the witches?" I asked in the middle of their argument.

"Angels are humans at birth. So they have souls. The purest and strongest of souls. Then the human dies and becomes an angel. Witches are born human, but cursed with demonic powers. Angels and witches had been at war for years, but they shared a common enemy, demons. Demons want human souls. Since both species possess human souls, they are best targets. So they fought against us." Die gave me the quick version.

"So witches and angels were allies against the demons, but the demons won. Then they all just disappeared into another realm?" I asked.

"Yes, all of them, except you." Dark hissed at me. Dark and Die went back to the argument about whether or not I was an angel.

"So is it not allowed for me to be in this realm?" I asked while thinking. Dar turned angrily with red and black eyes.

"You shouldn't have ever been in the castle. You shouldn't even exist." Dark growled. I didn't waver in fear. I stood up and walked to Anti. Die stopped his argument and watched me.

"Anti, arrest me for the murder of Lord William." I said. Anti looked to Die and Dark.

"Lass, why would--," Anti tried to talk me out of it, but Dark teleported to us. Dark grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. His shadows burned my skin. I hissed in pain, and my irises turned gold.

"Arrest me for the murder of Lord William, my King." I said again. Dark smiled. We teleported.

Dark took me into the dungeons. He pulled my arm until we got to a cell. He threw me against the wall. My head and back hit hard. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. He shackled me to the wall. He punched my stomach, and I fell to my knees. He smiled again and walked out of the cell. He slammed the door, causing the wall to shake.

I sat down. Tears from the bruises and the burns rolled down my eyes. I thought everything through. My whole life from the moment I started receiving memories to this very moment.

I cried as all of the pain of my life caught up with me. All the hurtful things anyone has ever said to me.

"You joined me. I am in charge of you. I am the demon, and you are the human. You listen to me."

"Nothing is stopping me from killing you."

"Darling, you died that night. Not to a demon. But to me."

"I heard it was a parasite that could kill all of us."

"But I heard it was that ugliest thing anyone has ever seen!"
"A human!"

"No, I stole 'em from an angel."

The voices didn't stop. They kept getting louder. They screamed at me. They clawed at my sanity. I screamed in pain and in an effort to drown them out. I shook my head. I held my head, hitting it to release the building pressure.

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