The Dinner

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Mrs. Petrov smirked back at me. "The Charlie Dalton?"

I returned her look with questioning eyes and a stuttering tongue. "A-Are you familiar with him?"

Mrs. Petrov chuckled softly and she popped a juicy beet in between her shiny teeth. Something like amusement danced in her grey eyes as she stared on at me, the large smirk still plastered on her lips. "Well, of course. Everyone who has been at this school for over a week would know him. The Infamous, Charming Charlie Dalton." She chewed on the single beet before tapping her fork rhythmically on the plate. "Personally, if you're looking for a bit of fun, then go for it. But if you're looking for something more... intimate and exclusive, then he would be the most revolting soul to go for." 

I blinked, trying to process the words as her amused eyes slightly pierced mine. "You mean...." 

"Don't date him. That's what I'm saying." Her extremely thick Russian accent rolled off her tongue like honey. "He's not loyal, and he's reckless... it's a wonder he isn't expelled right now." She taps her fork on the plate, which by the time I look down, is completely finished. I look down at my own to see about half the food still sitting on it. Mrs. Petrov looks down as well. "Eat up, Victoria. You're wasting time thinking about this boy, when you should be thinking about my food." The chair she sat in skidded back, scraping the floor in such a fashion it rattled in my ears. 

I shook a bit before shoving the rest of the surprisingly warm food in my mouth. Mrs. Petrov's eyes still pierced like obsidian daggers through the top of my skull as I did so. 

As if in warning.. 


"What do you plan to do about the... female situation here at Welton?" Neil's voice lowered at the unspeakable word. Knox as well as Todd choked slightly on their food. 

I shrugged, smirking a bit as I recalled the encountered I had with the stripped haired beauty back in the depths of the laundry room. "What I want." 

Meeks narrowed his ginger eyebrows at me, as if in question. "Well, what exactly DO you want with her... or can I already guess?"

"Actually Meeks..." I quieted myself before I could go further. Not because the dean was clearly walking towards us. Not because my friends stared into my own diverted eyes with intense curiosity. But... but because I didn't know. For once in my life I didn't know what I want, especially with that vivacious and extremely alluring Victoria. I felt, shaken when she said my name. The way it rolled off her tongue gave me the chills~ 

"Now what are you boys talking about?" Nolan's voice boomed throughout the cafeteria. A few heads turned towards our table. "And don't lie to me, because it must not be studies or extracurriculars... or at least not what our school offers." His nonexistent, sparingly light eyebrow hairs rose.

We all looked over at one another, all seemingly telepathically coming up with an excuse. As much as the girl irritated all of the boys save for myself, we all know when Mr. Keating said not to say anything, we did just that. 

Knox was the first to speak as everyone's mouths opened up. "We were talking about my dinner over at the Danberry's, sir." He gave his signature teeth flashing smile to the wretched old man. 

Nolan scoffed slightly to him before nodding curtly and walking off. 

"Man, what are we gonna do?" Pitts turned to all of us from his corner at the table next to the bootlicker. "About the... Vict-" 

I growled slightly. "Don't say her name, you idiot. Unless you want her fired and all of us suspended." Everyone at the table including the loud doubter silenced. 

The fact that I fully defended this woman I've only met two and a half times now is perplexing not only to my close circle of friends but to myself. It wasn't normal of me, Charlie Dalton, heart throb and sexually desired man of Welton defending a woman of all people. 

Like I started feeling the same way as Knox with Chris... in love.


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while and put in place this very small installment. I hope you all are having a good year so far ^~^ 

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