Keys and A Blotch

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Too hot.

It's way too hot in this damn room, and this small electric fan is the only thing keeping me company as I stacked up the baskets to take to the boys' rooms after the Dean gives me way. I waited, longed for the little light next to the door to turn green so I can be on my way. 

As I stacked the last basket, a sudden noise came from the top of the steps. Not just any noise... a quiet, but abrupt knock. It can't be the Dean, can it? My hands instinctively went and smoothed down my uniform shirt, my jacket far from sight on top of a dryer. Shit...

A short, exasperated sigh came from the other side of the door, the wood groaning as it opened. Only to reveal the human form of my emotional frustration looking down at me from the top of the stairs. 

"Aren't you going to say at least 'Hi' to me?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, then dropping down a step to close the door behind him.

It was my turn to sigh. "What are you even doing here, Charlie? You know damn well you aren't supposed to be down here."

"But that didn't stop me last time, now did it?"

I crossed my arms as my weight shifted onto a foot. "You keep inviting yourself in here, someday you'll just end up taking my job."

"Ah, but I'm destined to be a banker, not a hidden gem, folding laundry for a living."

I barked out a laugh. "Two things, Mr. Future-Banker. If you want to end up so successful, I suggest you stop walking in on working women. Secondly, who ever said I was doing this for a living?" 

The tease took a few steps closer. "Hm, as much as I'd like to keep exchanging such a lovely conversation...", he smirked. Yeah, if that's what you want to call this. "I have a favor to ask. Not really a big one, but-"

I interrupted him. "But still a favor." I dared a step closer myself, nearly a foot from him now. "You sure you got the right person?"

He eyed me, looking along my figure until his light brown eyes settled on my hip. His lips curled up in a mischievous grin. One that I couldn't seem to forget. "I need those." His finger reached out and hooked around my belt loop, keys gangling from it. 

A breath lodged in my throat, a faint blush struggling to gain color to my cheeks. I shivered. "F-For what exactly?" I tried pulling away but he just reached and hooped his other hand around my adjacent hip, tugging me close to him with such force, my torso slamming into his. 

I thought I was screwed before. 


I slowly looked up to him, his eyes meeting my own with such a potent intensity it shook me down to the core. More than I could have done, even with James. I could feel his fingers fumbling with the keys on my belt loop, but his eyes just continued to stare me down. I managed to repeat what I had asked before. "Like I said... what do you need them for?"

He took a staggering breath, seeming to suck in my life essence. My eyes shot down to his lips for a split moment. He smirked, leaning in for a testing kiss. I closed my eyes, but didn't feel the connection on my nude lips. 

My skin began to feel like sparking flames, as he planted teasing kisses down my jawline and into the curve of my neck. "A little project for the boys and I... nothing to concern yourself with, love." His empty hand curled around and cupped my lower back, pulling me in as he sucked deeply on his last kiss near my collarbone. He eyed up at me, but my eyes were up at the brick ceiling that confined me. I gasped, unable to pull away. 

He chuckled and leaned back, towering over me once more. "Ah... and I still wasn't able to hear that voice. How disappointing." He spun around on his heels and headed towards the stairs. 

I shivered, seeming to gain my composure. "I need those keys, Charlie." 

The rebel paused, and glanced behind him. "I'll give them back once I got what I need." He eyed my collarbone and gave a satisfied hint of a smile. "Hm, you gave your gift of the keys. It seems like I gave mine through something a bit more... intimate. I'll see you in a little while, Victoria."   

He slipped out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him from which he came. 

I shook my head and rushed to the mirror atop of the washing sink. I gazed down. A growing dark pink blotch was forming on my olive skin. 

I'm going to kill him. 


THE LAUNDRY REBEL ✧.*ೃ༄ charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now