Chapter one

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Chapter 1
Saphire's POV
"Get me out of here!" I screamed at my best friend, Johanna but she goes by her middle name Athena.
"Oh come on have a little fun Saphire," she tried to reason.

"No way you tricked me!"

Let me explain. I am currently in the girls bathroom screaming at my best friend to get me out of here. We were gonna go to the mall but when we got there she 'accidentally' ran into a guy and tried to set us up. She then left me here with no way to walk home since it's freezing outside. This is the third date she has set me up on this week! She has this crazy thought that I need a boyfriend to be happy. I'm perfectly fine being single but they don't seem to understand that. "Saph, look ya haven't had a serious relationship since, well you know, since Bradley,"

"Look Athena I don't want a boyfriend, I wanna meet the one ya know,"

"Well going on these dates would help you find the one. Please I think you'll like this guy,"

"Ugh, Fine but only because I really don't wanna argue with you right now we would be here for hours,"

"EEE yay! You will not regret it,"

"I'm not so sure about that,"

I hung up and took a deep breath. Here we go. I opened the door to the bathroom and saw my 'date' sitting at a table. He wasn't that bad looking. He had rich gold hair. He was dressed nicely. I sat down at the table and he just looked at me weird. "Is everything okay you were in the bathroom a while?"

"Oh yeah I'm all good, couldn't be better," I feigned excitement.


He just sat there. "So uh what do you like to do?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Stuff," he picked up his phone and didn't look at me.

This is awkward. "Uh what kind of stuff?" This guy is so annoying he's not even answering me.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asked looking at my so called date.

"Actually I have to uhh get going, family emergency," I got up from my chair and my date didn't even seem to notice.

Looks like I'm walking home. I felt the cold air rush past my bare skin. Chills ran up my spine. I should have brought a coat it's too cold for this. I sighed and I could see my breath. My phone started ringing. It's Athena. I pressed accept and lifted the phone to my ear.
"How's the date?" Athena questioned me.

I grumbled. "Just great,"

"Uh oh what happened?"

"Well I am currently walking in the freezing cold him because you stranded me here and my so called date wouldn't even pay attention to me or talk. He just kept looking at his phone!"

"Aw I'm so sorry sweetie I'll come pick you up find someplace to stay that's warm and send me your location,"
"Fine but only cause it's cold,"

She hung up and tried to find a place to go. There was a gas station to my left but I didn't really want to just stand in there. I looked on my right and there was this little cafe. I started to walke over. I opened the door of the cafe and the warm air surrounded me. I sent Athena my location and she said she was on her way. "How many?" The lady at the front desk asked me.

"Just one," I told her.

She showed me to a table and I immediately recognized someone. Two seats in from of me was Tara. The worst girl in the school. She's the queen bee and always makes fun of me, or at least tries to. I absolutely hated her. She act like she owned the school, and everybody was her slave. She was with some guy. I couldn't see his who he was because she was straddling his lap and eating his face. It was probably her boyfriend Liam. He's the most popular boy in the school, he's not a player though which is weird because those two usually come together in our school. That's why he's dating Tara. They've been together for around a year. I got tired of looking at them eat each other's so I started to look around. I heard the bell on the door ring, signaling that someone was coming in. I looked over honoring it was Athena. Who it was shocked me. It was Liam. So that means whoever's face that Tara is sucking definitely wasn't Liam's. This will be interesting. Meanwhile I could hear Tara and the dude still making out except louder. Gross. I siped on my tea while watching the scene unfold in front of me. The waitress went to seat Liam when he saw Tara. I could see the pain in his eyes when he realized it was her. Then I saw anger. He stormed over to her and ripped them apart. "L-Liam?" She asked fear present in her eyes.

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