Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Sapphires POV
I woke up in the morning with Athena right beside me. My phone was rested on the pillow, by my ear. It read, 'Liam 7:58:34' we must have fallen asleep on the phone. A small smile appeared on my face. There was just something about the thought of being on call for that long. My smile slowly faded as my thoughts took over. He doesn't like you. Don't get your hopes up. You'll end up getting hurt. They swirled around my head as I progressively got angrier. I shouldn't like him. He doesn't care about me, why should I care for him? "Hey Sapphire, you awake?" I heard Liam whisper.

I picked up the phone and put it to my ear, "Yeah, I'm awake. We must have fallen asleep while calling," I feigned a laugh.

"Yeah you fell asleep around midnight. I didn't want to hang up because I didn't want the beep to wake you up."

"Sorry I fell asleep,"

"Don't be sorry," he laughed, "you seemed like you needed the sleep,"

I thought about what Athena had said last night. Does he like me? Do I have a chance? "One sec Fire I'll call you back Tara's calling me," those few words destroyed any hope I had.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later," I tried not to show any emotion through my voice.

He hung up. "How much did you hear?" I asked Athena, who was pretending to sleep next to me.

"All of it, I'm sorry Saph," she whispered.

"Don't be it's not a big deal,"

"I'll tell you what, we're going to have a girls day. Well go shopping for the season trip, we'll get all pampered up and show Liam what he's missing. You can do way better than him,"

I tried to believe what she was saying, "You know what? Let's do it,"

She looked shocked at how easily I complied. A smirk spread across her face and I progressively got more worried. "On second thought ma-"

"Nope it's too late now you already agreed," and with that she dragged me out the door.

By the time we finished shoppin Athena had three bags full of clothes and I had one shirt. "Is that really all you got?" She questioned me, "We have a one week trip you'll need more than that,"

"Ugh don't remind me," I groaned.

"Come on this trip was to cheer you up!" Athena promptly grabbed my hand and dragged me to as many stores as she could get me in.

We processed to buy at least five new outfits for us to wear on the tip. "Okay last store and then we can go home I promise,"

I glared at Athena. I wasn't sure if I believed her. "Okay..."

We hadn't even browsed the shelves for more than five minutes when we heard a very familiar voice. "You can't be serious!" What does she have that I don't? She's such a loser. What do you see in her?" It was Tara.

Athena pushed me to the side so we were out of Tara's view. "Athena we shouldn't be eavesdropping!" I aggressively whispered.

"Oh come on don't you want to know what's happening to your boyfriends ex girlfriend?"

"Fake boyfriend," I corrected.

She shushed me so we could hear Tara. I know it was wrong, but I was curious. "You can't actually think she's better than me. She dresses like a hobo!" The other person said something but we weren't able to make it out, "Personality? Personality! My personality is just as great as hers."

"Who is she talking to?" Athena whispered.

"No! Look I'm coming over whether you like it or not. We were meant to be together." She stormed out of the store.

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