Be Here

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"Do you really have to go?" Harry pouted like a little boy while watching his flatmate pack for her trip back home. He had never been away from her for more than a day, and he didn't know how to cope with it being two weeks.

"Yes, I do," Y/N answered as she continued folding her clothes. "Violet needs me."

Violet was her best friend from high school. She was the sister Y/N wished she had. So when John, her other best friend and Violet's boyfriend, told her Violet had just got into a car accident and had to stay in a hospital for a couple of weeks, she knew she had to go back home, even if Violet was just slightly injured.

"But I need you." Harry quickly realized what he had just said and had to come up with a good excuse for those accidental words, "without you I'm going to starve, I'm the assistant, not the chef."

Y/N smiled. "You cooked me soup once."

"Yeah after four fucking hours in the kitchen!" Harry widens his eyes, raising both of his eyebrows. "And, you hated it."

"I didn't!"

"Well, did you love it?"

"Not really."

"Then you hated it."

"So order a pizza then!" Y/N giggles as she puts the last piece of clothing into her suitcase, then closes it to move from the floor to her bed, sitting down next to Harry. "You sound as if your life hadn't begun until you met me."

It almost feels like it, says the voice inside Harry's head.

"Two weeks' too long." He frowns.

The way he's looking at her at the moment almost makes Y/N change her mind, but she knows she cannot fall for that. She has made a promise to herself to not let her feelings take over whenever she's with him (which she fails most of the times, but definitely not this one). After the other night when she literally confessed her feelings for him and he replied with only silence, she knew it was hopeless, and it'd be best if they stayed friends, though it's just so hard when he keeps sending her mixed signals like this.

With a soft smile, she tells him, "I'll be back before you know it."


Harry sets his alarm at 5 in the morning the next day so he can see Y/N one last time before she leaves. It's not like she'd be gone for years, or even months, it's only two weeks, but Harry starts to miss her already. He helps her bring her luggage to the taxi parked outside the building, complaining about how she should just let him drive her, but Y/N constantly tells him she'll be fine on her own.

As the taxi driver opens the door for Y/N, she turns to stare at Harry one last time with a longing look on her face.

"I'll see you in two weeks. Try not to burn our flat down." She gives him a timid smile and receives one in return.

"I'll try." I'll miss you a whole lot... "Take care, okay?" ...and I love you.

There are so many things both of them need to tell the other person before they separate. Such words remain unspoken as they stand still for what seems like three seconds, craving for a hug (or more) but neither is brave enough to take the initiative. Y/N eventually gets into the backseat of the vehicle and closes the door.

Watching the taxi slowly disappear from sight, Harry wishes she could take him with her.


"Finally, some men time!" Niall cheers as he throws his arm around Harry's neck, causing his best friend to stumble forward. This morning, Harry ran into Niall in the lecture hall and told him the bad news that Y/N would be gone for a while, Niall's first reaction was the complete opposite of Harry's.

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