5,954 Miles

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When they first moved into the flat, Y/N wished everyday that Harry wouldn't come home so she could have the whole place to herself. She enjoyed being alone and silence made her feel at ease. But day after day, she grew used to having him around.

She didn't have to eat dinner alone, if she'd had a bad day she would have someone to complain to, he shared the housework with her and took care of her when she was sick. That hasn't changed after they started dating, he is still her best friend.

Now Y/N is standing with his friends at the airport, watching them saying their goodbyes to him, and her whole chest feels so vacant knowing once he's gone through those terminal doors, she'll come back to an empty flat.

"Bring us presents when you get back, yeah?"

"Of course, Liam." Harry tells his friend and the rest join in to share one last group hug.

"You've got to check out that pub in Tokyo I told you about! It's sick!"

Harry laughs in response to Louis' suggestion and promises that he will definitely pay that place a visit. Trix almost tackles Harry to the ground when she wraps her arms around his neck, telling him she wishes he could stay, but Layla is quick to grab the emotional girl by the arm and pull her away.

"Get your shit together, Trix, he's not going to war."

"Layla, can you please be nice to everyone while I'm away?" Harry smiles at Layla, and surprisingly, she does the same. She rarely puts on a genuine smile unless she's making fun of someone so this is a huge progress, Harry supposes.

"I'll try. And I'll miss you, Styles," she tells him, and this time she really means it.

Niall steps in next and shares a long hug with his best friend. Harry thinks out of the bunch he's going to miss Niall most.

"Look after Y/N for me?" Harry whispers so only the two of them can hear, and Niall doesn't hesitate to reply that Harry can always count on him.

"How about we go over there guys, give the couple some space?" Niall suggests as he pulls away from his best friend. He doesn't need the others to agree, just pushing them aside on his own so Y/N can get closer to Harry, who's smiling warmly at her.

"Hey angel," he murmurs, and normally she would response to his nickname with a vibrant smile, but the look on her face right now pains his heart.

"Gosh I'm gonna miss your unnecessary flirting." She breathes while cupping his face between her palms.

The couple stare at each other in silence. They're simply trying to memorize as much of each other as they can, before he gets on the plane that's gonna take him 5,954 miles across the Earth, away from her.

"I wish you could come with me," he says softly, grabbing her wrists and pulling her hands to his chest. "Fuck, now I don't want to go."

"You are going! I didn't buy you a new blanket to keep you warm on the plane for you to be a pussy." She rolls her eyes and leans in for a peck on the lips, but he holds the back of her head and pulls her in for a real kiss this time. Though they spent most of yesterday tangled up between the sheets, he still cannot get enough of her.

When they pull away, almost breathless, foreheads resting against each other's, he whispers under his breath, "I have something for you."

Harry pulls away as he lets go of her hand. His next move is what Y/N would never expect — he takes off the silver ring he's always worn on his pinky, then slides it on her ring finger.

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