chapter 30

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Peyton kicked me on the back, that's how I woke up today.


I get my clothes to change in the bathroom and just as I was getting my normal black clothes. I see a yellow shirt. Peyton's probably. I looked at it for a long time and decided to take it. The color made me remember Royal.

I put it over my head then put my glasses on, feeling the bracelet get stuck again. But the color on me felt so weird. The last time I used color was in 8th grade, but I do admit that it felt good to use color. I put a black sweater over it, leaving the zipper down about 6 or 7 inches. Only a bit of yellow was showing, but that was alright for me.

I get out and get on the bus that takes me to school. Only one sit was left and I got on with a really old lady. So I stood up and let her take the sit, she gave me a smile that I will never forget. Or better yet, a feeling I'll never forget. It was filled was thanks and gratitude, a little place in me felt alive and happy with just seeing her smile. And this made me look around the bus.

No one noticed this, no one saw what I did or the smile that she gave me, I felt so good and no one else even noticed. This got me thinking about the things that happened in the world, the moments people feel happy, or do something that makes someone else happy. Everyone is in their own world that they never noticed when this little moments of happiness come, they never take the time to appreciate this act of happiness or kindness. But then again, would it matter? If people notice them or not, would the world change in any way?

I think it would. People would realize that they are good people out there, and stop thinking that everyone wants harm them in one way or another.

When I get of the bus Ethan and Jake pass my way, and stop to walk with me.

"Ready for the hospital trip?" Ethan swings his arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I really wanna see Royal." I say.

"Royal?" Jake asks. "That's a name?"

I nod.

"Is that your patience name?" Ethan ask, then I realized I never told them about Royal.

"Yeah, her name is Royal, she's 17, and she's really fun." I say.

"And why's she in there?" Jake asks.

"Cancer." Then I frown. "Well she had cancer, and now she has it again."

I didn't know how much time passed, but I felt Ethan pat my back. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine. I mean that is the best hospital in this city."

I nod with them and hear Jake say bye before we get to are class. Rebecca stands next to me but I'm still thinking of Royal, hoping that Ethan is right. "She'll be ok." I think. "She'll be ok."

When Mr Steve gets there we follow him to the bus, and Rebecca sits next to me, but she was talking to Tipi the hole way. And I didn't pay much attention to her conversation.

And before I knew it, I was in front of room 072. I walked in to the movie of beauty and the beast on her TV, right in the song part where Bella and the beast were dancing. I look over to Royal and see her on her side with her eyes closed. She had a yellow bandanna. I mentally did a victory dance because we were matching. But i quickly stopped when I saw how weak she looked, weaker than before, she still had her breathing tube on, and her skin looked eaten by the sun.

I get close to her, to see if she was asleep, but right when the song ends on the TV she opens her eyes and looks at me.

"You look good with yellow." She smiles, but doesn't move. I walk to the other side of her bed, so she won't have to sit up straight, and kneel down on the floor, putting my hands on her bed and resting my head on top of them, so I could be face to face with her.

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