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"not today i am not in the mood for your shenanigans" i said as i tried to dress Sianna for school which was hard due to the fact that she kept screaming

"i don't wanna go mommy!" She yelled kicking her feet

"I have to be at work in a hour so you got one second to get the hell up before i whoop yo ass" i said

She stopped kicking and stayed still

"Get up" i said through gritted teeth

She stood up and started crying

I started putting her clothes on not even paying attention to her bullshit

"Now lets brush your teeth" i said as i picked her up and carried her to bathroom

I helped her brush her teeth and wash her face then i took her back in her room and put her shoes on

"Get your bag Si and go downstairs theres pancakes and eggs on the table for you" i said walking out the room and into Jr room

"JR! i told you to get dressed!" I snatched the covers off of him and picked him up

"Get dressed dand Hurry up y'all got to be at school soon" i said

"brush your teeth and wash your face then come downstairs to eat" i added then walked into me & sin room and got a outfit out

I walked over to the bed and started shaking Sincere "Wake up!"

"Hmm" he said with his eyes closed

"I got to get dressed for work and they gotta be in school so can you drop them off?" I asked

"Mhmm" he mumbled

"HUH?" I yelled

"Yes teeasia! What you yelling for" he said opening his eyes

"Cause you wasn't all the way up" i said walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on

Then i got in, after about 20 minutes l got out and went into the room

Sincere wasn't in the bed and it was quiet so i assumed they all left

I quickly got dressed and did my hair then i put my charger and stuff in my bag and walked downstairs

I cleaned up the kids plates that were left on the table then i laid down on the couch until it was time for me to leave


As i was driving back home from dropping the kids off i started to think about this little boy i seen

I don't know if my mind playing tricks but he looked JUST like Kyrie literally they looked just alike

But maybe it's just a coincidence i don't know.

When i got to the house i seen Tee car was still there making me confused cause she was been pose to leave

I went inside and seen her sleeping on the couch "tee wake up" i said shaking her

"For What" She mumbled

"Wasn't you pose to be at work?" I asked

"What time is it?" She asked opening her eyes and rubbing them

"9 O'clock" i said checking my phone

"Damnnnn i was supposed to do this girl hair man what the fuck" she said jumping up

"I'm so tired i barely got any sleep" she said

"Want me to drive you?" I asked

She yawned and nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around me "you should carry me"

FOREVER HIS LIL' BABIESWhere stories live. Discover now