Chapter 1: Finding The Dress

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PLEASE READ: This book may seem very cliche, predictable or odd at times (I blame 15 year old me). So if at any point you don't wanna read anymore, I recommend giving my other werewolf story a go, it's called The Boy Who Cried Beast and it's much better and the characters are actually likable (not saying this in a narcissistic way, just saying it's an improvement as I've grown). Plus it's a standalone! Yay! 😅❤


Chapter 1

The week was finally here. The week of the blood moon. No matter how hard I tried to get away from it, it kept showing up.

I had no idea why everyone was so intrigued by this horrendous and barbaric ritual. Did something called 'the ritual to the beast' sound like something to celebrate?

The 'beast' as they refer to is an unknown creature but doesn't that just maximize the fear factor? I listened to these torturous stories since I was a child, considering I would be of age when the next ritual came around.

I was nineteen, just the age to be apart of the ritual.

There is no actual proof of what happens to the girl who goes missing but that's completely baffling to me. How could one girl just fall off the face of the earth?

While some feared for their lives, others went shopping for the night of the ritual. The elders of the town who controlled the ritual made this inhumane tradition into a glamorized festival.

Who even knew what this beast was or what he wanted. These girls might as well be preparing for their own death.

Let me enlighten you on this alleged tradition that may be harmless or harmful.

Centuries ago there was this 'beast' that was described as satan himself that owned this land of the village, but as time grew by, humans began developing the area.

Humans took over the land and it was now the small little town of Fairbairn.

The beast was angry but they quickly found a solution. I didn't know how, but they did.

The treaty that was formed stated that the village protects the beast's secret and presents all women of ages 16 to 19 to him on the first blood moon to occur every 20 years and the humans may receive all land to develop.

The treaty was quickly accepted by everyone as the beast got what it wanted and the humans got the clarification that only one of all the girls would be taken. Or so we were all told.

It doesn't seem like a fair trade to me but then again I wasn't around centuries ago.

Therefore, since then every 20 years, one girl is taken by the beast. The girls were supposed to be dressed in all white as they are chained in to forest so they wouldn't be able to run. Then the beast shows up and chooses who he wants and disappears with her. No trace can be found. The other girls however, are all found the next day in the forest, right where they were left, not remembering anything of the night before.

Some families fear for their daughter's life while most rejoice in the celebration. But no one has a choice as the treaty is law and everyone forces the girls to the forest even if they are kicking and screaming.

There were hunters who tried hunting the beast to figure out what it was but came up with nothing while others who were closer to figuring it out, disappeared in the forest completely just as the girl that is taken.

Though, the forest went on for miles and miles into rocky mountain tops and dangerous trenches, so the hunters could never find their way through as it would take days or even weeks to get through the forest until they could find anything else.

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