Revenge Sweet Revenge

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I can be the perfect wife. Yes I can.

If Rocky wants to play me then we will play...but I set the rules and I win them.

My throat tightens at whatever Rocky may possibly have planned. He must've thought he had me entwined into his web of lies. Thought that I was going to fall for him. Shame hangs over me for ever thinking he was good or that a good bone existed in him.

Wiping the single tear escaping my eye, I head for Rocky's home office downstairs. "Can I come in?" I say as I knock.

I wait a few seconds before I hear the sound of footsteps behind the door.

Rocky stands by the door almost concerned rather than surprised as to what I'm doing here. He moves out of the way to let me in then heads back for his chair.

"Can we talk?" I say.

Rocky nods as he looks up at me.

I head closer for his desk. I pretend to look worried not that I'm any good at it.

"I wanted to apologise," I tell him.

Rocky frowns in my direction and then looks back at his laptop screen in front of him.

"I shouldn't have behaved like that. I don't know why. It was good and we were good and I just panicked."

"Sky," he says clearing his throat. "I can't keep doing this."

I nod. "I know," I tell him.

There is something odd. I watch him look at me with concern and then back at his laptop screen.

I take a step closer hoping I can get close enough to see what is bothering him so much on the laptop.

"And you shouldn't have to," I say to him. "I'll promise I won't react like that again."

He nods and gets up from his chair. That's all it takes for me to look at the glass panel behind him and see the reflection of what looks to be an article. Systematics Corp. My heart drops.

He shuts the laptop and walks around the table to me. "So what do we do then? What do you suggest?"

I freeze. Why does he have an article on Systematics Corp on his screen? My mind immediately goes to the worst. What if Rocky and Paul are on it together, somehow trapping me in this marriage.

"Sky," Rocky says beside me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You take me on a date," I say. "Like a normal couple."

Rocky smiles. "A date, huh? I can do that."

"Good," I say with a bounce as I kiss his cheek. "Better make it for tonight since I'm bored."

I turn and head out the door.

This must've been bigger than I thought. If he had anything to do with our family almost losing the business then I will take him down. If he wants a heartbreak. He is getting a damn heartbreak.

I just need to get to his laptop in time to see what on earth that article was about–If it even is an article to begin with.

I notice Liam walk past, a folder in his hand.

"Liam," I say drawing his attention.

He stops to turn back and watch me. "Hi Sky, is everything okay?"

I nod. "Are you here to see Rocky?"

Liam nods, holding up the folder on his hand. "Just need him to sign this. Is he free?"

"Ye..." I catch myself. "No, he's extremely busy and has asked to not be interrupted. Did you want me to help get that signed for you?" I say reaching to grab the folder.

Liam immediately pulls it behind his back. "No, that's okay," he mutters. "I'll come back later."

He quickly turns and heads back in the direction he came from. His quick movements confuse me. So that folder is secretive just like Rocky's laptop. What on earth are they hiding?

My stomach churns. This isn't me. I'm not one to play games or keep secrets. I can't do this. I rest my hand on the side table by the couch and take deep breaths.

My eyes set on the photo frame sitting on the side table. I've never seen this photo before.

Picking the frame up, I look at the photo of a younger version of myself and Rocky. We're about fourteen and in high school, paired for the school dance. I remember every girl possible being jealous of me and I couldn't care less. We had fun though. Ranked number one as well.

I wipe the tear slipping down my face and place the frame back. Considering I don't really come to this section of the house would explain why I've never seen this photo. The real question though is why on earth would he have a photo of us like this?

If it's to play a game or make me feel like I love him then he's wrong. But that seems like a steep move to make. If he has this photo, what's to say he won't have more.

I look back at the office door, it's closed. I don't think he'll be out for a while. This gives me enough time to roam a little freely. Not that he would question me walking around the house regardless. In fact he's suggested giving me a tour but I avoid most places. The living room. His bedroom. The kitchen. The entryway. That's about it. I haven't even thought what a mansion like this could hold.

Heading down the hallway, I walk two rooms. One that looks like a library and the other a study. I freeze at the door of the study. He has an office at home, why on earth would he also have a study for.

There is a computer sitting on a mahogany wood desk. An old lamp rests on the desk and there is a brown leather swivel chair behind the desk to match the colour of the desk.

I look behind me for a second and enter. Maybe this computer might have similar information to what his computer has. If only I can find something on Systematics Corp on this computer.

The computer doesn't turn on though. I press at the buttons then tap on the keyboard but nothing. I duck to check the loose plugs but everything seems okay. I try the computer again but it still doesn't turn on.

That's when I hear the sound of footsteps and when I look up from the computer, the butler stands by the door.

"Can I help you ma'am?" He says.

I frown stepping away from the computer. I hope he doesn't report this back to Rocky. "I need to use the computer and this doesn't work," I shrug nonchalantly.

He stares at me and then back to the computer. "I'll get you to another computer but you really shouldn't be here."

I watch the butler in confusion. "Excuse me?" I say. "Why not?"

He clears his throat and tries to usher me out but I refuse.

"Rocky says this room is private and no one is to enter," he says.

I nod with a frown. "I got that, but why?"

He merely shrugs and attempts to usher me out again. Because I don't want to cause a scene and definitely do not want Rocky to know of this, I follow him out.

"It's not my place to tell," he says and quickly shows me down the hall to another room which has a computer.

This room is on the other side of the hallway I just walked past. The picture frame by the computer is of a young Rocky with a baseball bat and dirt across his face. At least it's not one of us.

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