Chapter 2

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Emma's P.O.V.

A recon mission.

It is a simple recon mission, nothing more and nothing less. My wolf has been antsy all day and I have no idea why. It is annoying to say the least. Have you ever tried to concentrate on a mission when someone in your head is pacing? It's bloody impossible.

"Are you ready?" called out Alex. Turns out that the other two that I wanted on the mission are occupied, so it is just Alex and I. Like usual, the deal is that if one of us is caught the other runs the other way no matter what.

"Coming!" I yell. I quickly slip on my gun holsters. One of my first inventions was a gun holster that adaptes from wolf to human and human to wolf. Quite ingenious if I do say so myself. Everyone in the Organization had them. 

Most packs hated them because they viewed guns as 'unhonorable'. For me, survival is what is important. If I have to shoot someone and not use claws, it is worth it to avoid death or extra bloodshed.

I rushed down the stairs, not wanting to make Alex wait longer than necessary. He was a nice enough guy, one of the fastest wolves in the Organization. I passed him, waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and went immediately outside. 

We walked in silence until we reached the trees. I had many properties, our main base in the city like any self-respectable mafia and a forest base for our supernaturals. Talking about supernaturals, I have to go visit the King's brother Leon and his witch mate Glinda. They might have more info.

Alex paused as soon as we were under the cover of trees, "Ready?"

"Yup," I tell him. 

I strip quickly and shift. Being naked in front of others has never been a problem for me. Mom made sure I was used to it young because as rogues we often had to strip and shift quickly. It took a time for the Smith Organization to get up and running enough for us to stop fleeing constantly. 

Alex follows my example. I am a black wolf with green eyes. Unlike some people believe, the color of our coat has no effect. You won't see many black wolves, but we have no extra powers or anything. We just look pretty. 

Alex' wolf form is multiple shades of brown with brown eyes, perfect to blend in. That's one of the reasons he is usually a scout. The other being his speed and his ability to talk himself out of any situation he is put in.

I motion with my head the direction I want to go in and take off. This mission is pretty regular, the only complication is the fact that it is Royal territory. They have a tendency to have more guards. If they are planning an attack, it is also likely they increased their security. 

I set a pretty easy pace to conserve energy if we have to run. Another thing I like about Alex is that he doesn't have the need to fill the silence with noise. Like me, he does not mind getting lost in his own thoughts. 

Our focus is on the territory in front of us. We slow down ever more to avoid drawing attention. Like I thought, the guard patrol has practically doubled since the last recon mission here which was about a month ago. 

I mind-link Alex, "I am going to get closer to get the details of the new patrols. Remember even if I get caught, run and warn the others."

He sends back, "Okay, be careful. I might still try to give a distraction to give you a chance to run."

I crouch dow and crawl forward. Right about now is when I am cursing my black coat. If it was during the day, I would be easily seen. Luckily, we are basically in the dark. I am close enough to hear their conversation.

One says, "The Alpha King is doing his checks on the guard today."

The other answers, "I heard, the captain was stricter than usual."

Shit, shit, shit! If the Alpha King was coming around, we needed to leave now. He had an improved sense of smell, sense of everything due to his Royal heritage. Fucking unfair!

I mind-link Alex, "Run! Alpha King coming!"

I feel his panic and his choice. He starts running immediately. Still crouched, I slowly back away from the border. I could not attract attention as much as I wanted to hightail the hell out of here.

I hear the crunching of leaves under boots, signifying the approach of other guards or potentially the Alpha King. I pray to God that it is only guards. 

That hope is crushed as I head, "Alpha King!"

Shitty McShit! This is bad, really bad. If he knew who I was, I was a dead woman standing. But he didn't quite know. In the Organization, I am referred to as Don or Boss because of our human mafia. The Alpha King knew my name was Emma. He didn't know my relation to the Blood Moon pack or that I was in the Organization. Shit!

I am nearly home free, about to break free of the bushes and make a run for it. Then, the most intoxicating scent overwhelms my senses.


This could not come at a worse moment. I hesitate between going after my mate and running for it. By the time, I make a decision, it is too late.

I hear a voice who I assume is the Alpha King ask, "What is that smell?"

My cover is blown! I break through the trees, not caring about the damage left behind or if they could see me. Now was not the time for stealth but speed.

In my heart, I knew that I could not outrun a Royal, most especially the current King. I could outrun anyone but him sadly. It didn't stop me from trying. I was too fucking young to die!

I quickly mind-link Alex, "Keep going! I am going to get caught, Alpha King at my heels!"

He answers, "I'll come back!"

I cut him off, "No, warn the others and then rescue me! Wait a week before attempting to let me try to find my own way out!"

I break the link and cloud my mind. Some rumors say that the Alpha King could read minds or had people who do. I had a witch, Moira, teach me how to block any potential attempts. 

I managed to get farther running than I thought I would. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. 

As I take my next step, I feel a huge weight crashing on me. I am caught by no other than the Alpha King. 

I am crashing towards the ground hard as I am still struggling. My head hits a nearby rock and I begin to lose consciousness. The last thing my fuzzy brain was able to put together was that the smell of my mate came from the wolf who crashed into me and the wolf who crashed into me was the Alpha King.

Oh shit!

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