Chapter 19

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It's been a peaceful week, too peaceful.

Like the peace before a storm.

All raids on my bases have ceased. There are no more attacks like the Alpha Kings just lost interest in the Smith Organization. All of my people who had been having trouble were free. But there were other different signs of a coming fight.

Warriors being summoned to the castle, the presence of the Alpha King of Europe here, increased security around the castle, more patrols around pack lands, clearing out of humans nearby. All the signs are there.

I will be ready. There is a plan in place in case of an attack. A group of people would defend the base while everyone else escapes through the tunnels to somewhere safe. For the people who stay behind, I ask for volunteers and then take random names out of a bag if too many volunteer. If your mate is pregnant or in other situations, you will be forced to flee as well.

Most people expect me to run with my people. I have no intention too. I am staying to fight for my people. Me being there would give more time for the others to get away. Laurine is under orders to leave. In my will, I give my title over to her and then my younger sisters, Laura and Ashley when they are 18. 

I make an effort to know everyone who is planning on staying for the fight. Besides me, Sabrina decided to stay as the only witch. The twins Jack and Jason wish to stay and fight. They want to die in a way that their first mate would be proud of them. I understand, they have survived for so long in a world where their mate no longer lives and they can go on no longer without a reason to live.

Glinda, and Leo will not be fighting because Glinda is actually pregnant. I won't let her or her child be at risk. There are so many others who want to fight. I have vampires too who choose to stay. Everyone knows that this fight is a suicide mission. We all know that this is a fight to slow them down, so others can escape. That's the entire point. 

Most of the ones wanting to fight have been rejected by their mates, have had their mates dying or an equally good reason. Death by battle is an honorable way to die among the supernatural. There is no higher honor. Though my people and I have a very different definition of honor.

While traditional battles are fought with only Goddess given gifts like claws, we fight with guns and knives. Any way to reduce their numbers and slow them down. Most have loved ones running. In other packs, wolves view running away as a treason or awful. I disagree. There is no point for everyone to die in a battle we know we cannot win. Just a small group would have the same effect.

As I think of what our soon future will hold, I am clearing up my affairs. I have prepared good-bye letters to all of my family to be sent at my death. At least, if I die, I would take the Alpha King of North America with me. At my desk, looking at my computer, I feel like such a dramatic bitch.

Just in time to save me from my own boredom, Laurine burst into my office, "They're here."

I jump up, "I'll go talk to them to give you all time. Get those set to fight in position and get the others to evacuate. You know the drill."

She nods and gives me a hug, "You better not die."

I hug her back, "If I do, I'll take down at least one Alpha King."

We both took off in separate directions. I turned on the alarm. It sounded like a fire alarm and it was a sign to flee because this was a fight we cannot win. We had another one which was a call to arms where we could win a fight. But this was not it. 

As I ran towards the entrance, I picked up people meant to fight. There was Sabrina, Jack, Jason, Blake, John, Max, Leon. If I am to die, at least I am among friends. That is the best way to die.

Too soon, I find myself at the front door of my home. I exit and close enough is an army. I recognize my mate and the Alpha King of Europe who are in the front. I take a deep breath to control my sudden urge to run into his arms. I cannot, it's impossible for me. I can't forget the blood of innocents that are on his hands, the blood of my own family.

I make eye contact with Alec and we stare at each other with no words. Each trying to make the other back down and lose. The winner would get what they desire. To our game, there was no winner or loser as a powerful growl yanks us both back to reality.

The Alpha King of Europe is the one who growled in fact, "Mate!"

Oh fuck! Now, who is the poor girl who is now sympathetic with me? I follow my enemy's line of sight and see Sabrina. Oh shit! The delicious irony of this situation is not lost on me, neither is the look of utter disgust on Sabrina's.

I tell her, "I see you have a mate. It's okay, it's not the same choice as me. I will let you go to him if that's what you want. I have to warn you if you side with me it might come to the point where we will have to kill our mates."

Sabrina looks me straight in the eye, "I am from Europe. My parents know exactly what it is to be a guest of this Alpha King. He is no mate of mine."

I hear a pain filled howl fill the air from the Alpha King of Europe. Sabrina could not reject one of Royal blood, but that's as close to a rejection as one gets. I see the pain in Sabrina's eyes, pain not just from today, but her past.

I nod at her, "We have no mates here. No here we are at war and nothing matters in war."

Alec's howl joins his cousin's. I steel myself for the battle to come. We need to stall in order to make sure the others escape. My group of 30 are facing a group of over 100 wolves. But I have witches and vampires and guns and knives. We are thirty strong and will take down at least twice our number before dying.

I turn to my people, "To family!"

"To family!" is the thundered reply.

I face my mate and charge forward. Sabrina and I avoid our mates best we can and fight. I try to put down and not kill, but everyone knows the risk of fighting. As leader of our group, I feel the pain every time one of my people are cut down. Blows are exchanged and this will be a fight to the death.

Sadly, Sabrina and I were unable to avoid our destined ones forever. Too soon, we find ourselves face to face. There is a moment where both sides froze. Both hesitant to continue, to harm the one meant to be protected. 

I am the first to act. I draw a sword from my side and run forward. Surprisingly, Alec has a sword too, one of mine even. I must have dropped it at some point. With his fluid movements, I know that I have met someone who has more talent than I with a sword. But has that ever stopped me before?

Out of the corner of my eye, Sabrina and her mate are fighting. It is clear she is going for the kill and her mate is attempting to get her to submit. His wolf must not like her resistance. My attention is dragged back to my own fight as Alec manages to get a slice on my arm. Both Sabrina and I are already heavily injured. It wasn't easy taking down fifteen wolves each.

I feel around us that the fighting has ceased. Each of our people abandon their own battles to watch ours. It must be something for the history books. We are each the most powerful in our separate groups in our own countries. 

But still I knew that Sabrina and I could never win this fight, but I'll be damned if I ever surrender.

I was ready to play the game of death.


Word Count: 1457

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