Chapter 10

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All of us, except for Knox and Charlie, are gathered in the cave. "To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life" Everyone stops as we hear the sound of female laughter outside.

'Oh, my God!' Cameron exclaimed.

'Is this it?' A girls voice spoke.

'Yeah, this is it. go ahead, go on in. It's my cave. Watch your step' I recognize Charlie's voice. 'We're not gonna slip, are we?' another girl asks.

'Uh-oh', the first girl says. She hops into the cave wearing a bright red shirt. The lights from the boys' flashlights hover suspiciously over her chest. The second girl entered right behind her.

'Hi' the first one says. Meeks stands up and slams his head into the low ceiling. 'Hello' he said and the girl smiles.

'Hello' she replies.

'Hi, you guys. Meet, uh, Gloria and-' Charlie smiles, pointing at the first girl then lingered on the second.

'Tina', she tells him.

'Tina', he repeats, dragging out the 'a' in her name, 'This is the pledge class of the dead poets society.'

'Hello. How do you do?' one of the girls says.

A quiet 'Hello', came out of Neil's mouth, I look his way, feeling a slight sting of jealousy start to build up. 'Hi. Hi' Gloria says back, smiling.

'Guys, move. Move. Come on, folks. It's friday night. let's get on with the meeting' Charlie states as they make their way across the cave. The boys moved aside to let the girls in, I slightly get pushed back in the process.

'Sorry. Excuse- excuse me', the boys said as they moved to let the girls sit.

'Guys, I have an announcement to make. In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the dead poets, I'm giving up the name Charlie Dalton. From now on, call me Nuwanda' he says and the boys started laughing.

'Nuwanda?' Pitts questioned. 'Nuwanda?' Neil questions as well. Meanwhile Tina takes out a tube of red lipstick and goes to apply it but Charlie takes it from her and put red marks in each of his cheeks. 'We gonna have a meeting or what?' he asks.

'Yeah. If you guys don't have a meeting, how do we know if we want to join?' Gloria said, causing my head to snap up at her. I was so annoyed at the moment because of these two chicks Charlie managed to pick up and the fact that to Neil I was nonexistent right now.

'Join?' Neil questions but no one answers.

Charlie leans over to Tina smiling. 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate' he says causing the girl to blush.

'That's so sweet', she cooed.

'I made that up just for you.'

'You did?'

The boys laughed and Cameron and I shake our heads. Charlie moves over to sit next to Gloria. 'I'll write one of you too, Gloria. She walks in beauty like the night...' he pauses for a second, trying to remember the lines, 'She walks in beauty like the night. Of cloudless climes and starry skies. All that's best, dark and bright. Meet her aspect and her eyes.'

'That's beautiful' Ow great, the second one is dumb too.

'There's plenty more where that came from', he says and the girls giggle.

Suddenly Tina passed a bottle of alcohol to Neil. 'Go ahead, pass it around' she tells him. Clearly

he doesn't notice me looking at him since Neil just takes a swing.

'Me and Pitts are working on a Hi-Fi system. It shouldn't be that hard to, uh, to put together.' Meeks says trying to break the awkward silence.

'Yeah, uh, I might be going to Yale. Uh, uh, but I, I might not', Pits adds to try and impress the girls. Then Gloria asks everyone, 'Don't you guys miss having girls around here?'

'Yeah', Meeks and Pitts said in unison.

Well clearly I'm invisible!!

'That's part of what this club is about. In fact, I'd like to announce I published an article in the school paper, in the name of the dead poets' Charlie says.

'What?' Cameron exclaims before Charlie continues, 'demanding girls be admitted to Welton.'

At that point I reached my final point of 'DONE'. I was done being ignored by everyone, and especially by Neil. So I simply get up and leave the cave as I walk through the woods back towards the school. All the while ignoring Neil's calls: 'E-Evangeline?'

I leave the woods and walk onto the grassfield of Welton academy when I hear footsteps behind me.

'Evangeline', Neils voice calls out, 'please.. I-I'm sorry.' He sounds weak, dare I say, close to broken. He keeps apologizing for ignoring me, swearing to me it won't happen again. I slow my walking to a stop and the footsteps behind me stop too. Neil stands behind me: 'I meant what I said about loving you and only you, I don't want anyone else, I-I promise I'll be better, just.. please... don't hate me.

'I would never hate you', I say turning to him, 'I just... seeing you around other girls... the way those girls looked at you...' He doesn't let me finish as he walks up to me, placing his hands on my sides, letting them run up and down before he pulls me in and embraces me. I meanwhile wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest.

'Please, just don't leave me', I ask him.

'Never, my sweet Evangeline', Neil tells me, 'you're stuck with me.'

'I'm glad', I smile up at him after pulling away slightly.

He kisses me softly, as if he's trying to show me how much he cares. I kiss him back just as sweetly.

When we pull back, both of us go to my room where we cuddle for a while longer as Neil goes over some of his lines for the play.

Finally a happy end/ Dead Poets Society (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now