Chapter 5

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(A/N) thanks for reading this far I really appreciate it. On with the story!

"What did I tell you you crazy bastard!" It was England yelling.

"England!" You shout.

"It's ok I'm here now." He hugs you. You see Japan walk away depressingly.

"I'm sorry." You say.

"For what my dear?" England responds.

"Well I've built a bond with someone else." You sigh. You see England's face go dark.

"Who!" He yells.

"Why do you need to know?" You smirk.

"Basically I love you! And I don't want anyone hurting you." He confesses.

"You know?" You ask.

"What?" He answers.

"Russia's still here..." You say calmly. You see the color disappear from England's face. He grabs you and runs away. All you can see is Japan mouthing the words...

"I will always love and miss you." You start crying. You two finally stop.

"England!" You scream.

"Call me Britain." He smiles.

"I hate you!" You yell and turn away.

"What did I do?" He says trying to calm you down.

"You took me from who I love!" You scream.




"No you idiot Japan" you scream at the top of your lungs. You step back. When he grabs you and kisses hard.

"I love you!" He says sternly setting you down.

"Britain!" You say angrily.

"Well I'm sorry Y/N! Your the one keeping secrets!" Britain yells. You start crying and run away.

"Y/N come back I didn't mean it!" He shouts while starting to run after you. You run into someone's arms to soon find out its...

Time skip

Japan. You run into Japan. "You came back." Japan said In his calm voice.

"I love you!" You say as you hug as hard as you can.

"Y/N." Britain says slowly. Britain pushed Japan aside and grabbed you. You try to have him let go. And can't wait for Japan to save you. Instead he just waves goodbye. Mouthing the words...

"I still love you Y/N and I can wait for you." You blow him a kiss as your dragged away. Your furious at Britain and try everything to break his grip.

"Just stop it Y/N I'm not letting you go..." You were now terrified as to why he said it so suductively.

"Britain please stop." You say weakly cause your tired.

Sorry if this is short I'm at school right now. Asta La Pasta!

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