Push England Away

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If you chose to push Britain away. Then read on!

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Of course he apologized not knowing you were awake. (Wait what awake?? He thought you were asleep WTF!?!?) "Just stop saying sorry I don't care anymore. Just kill me I will!" You shouted.

That made Britain cry. You really meant you would kill yourself. Looking at Britain made you feel guilty. Quickly you grabbed your backpack.( Yes you have had a backpack with you this entire time!).

You took out a gun and pointed it at him. "You can't kill me with a plain handgun." He laughs cheering up.

"It's not for you." You turn the gun and place it up against your head. Ready to pull the trigger.

"Stop!" Britain says trying to grab the gun.

"Try me!" You scream.

"No please Y/N." He says starting to cry again.

Time skip

Britain got the gun away from you.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He shouted smacking you upside the head.

"I don't want to fall in love! I don't deserve to live!" You sulk in the corner.

"Y/N I love you, do you not in return?" He asked.

"What the fuck is wrong with you I hate you!!!" You screamed.

"No swearing poppet." A voice called.

"Oh no." Britain says before knocked out.

"Your next."

"Wha-" something hard hits your head immediately knocking you out. (If your clueless it's Oliver.)

Evil cupcake Time skip

"Where am I?" You ask looking around some sort of basement.

"Oh I'm sorry poppet I'm Oliver and your in my house." Oliver grins.

"What do you mean?" Oliver walks out the room. Leaving you clueless.

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