Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty Two - Together Again

Vulcan Romanov's P.O.V.

I walk up the steps, ensuring that my face is expressionless. The castle of the vampire kingdom is a new design since I destroyed half of the building the last time I was here. Yet, it still has the Romanian architecture and gothic features to it. I scowl as the large double doors come into sight, numerous guards standing straighter once they catch sight of Aurora, Ivan and I.

I want to leave already. Being back in this realm reminds me too much of the pain and destruction I had caused long ago. My mate squeezes my hand, drawing my attention to her. I've always loved her stormy grey eyes and to see them shining with happiness reminds me why I can't just turn around and leave.

Our daughter, Ayla, is here.

After months of wondering where and how she is, we'll finally see her today. Ever since Asher broke the news of her comatose state, we've prayed to the Moon Goddess to heal and protect her. I'm hoping my little girl is awake, it hurt me to see Aurora in that state so I don't know what I'll do if I see Ayla like that.

"Come on!" Ivan urges, bounding up the steps in excitement and anticipation.

A smile tugs at my lips over seeing my son healthy and full of life again. He scared me as much as the news of Ayla did, but now that he's feeling better I'm hoping Ayla is too. I think back on the memories of when they were little pups. If one was hurt, the other would feel it too. So, it was no surprise that Ivan felt what was happening to Ayla even if she was realms away.

Nodding to the guards as they open the doors, Aurora and I step into the foyer after Ivan. A redhead with light green eyes stands there waiting, a smile on his lips as he greets us. His name is Corbin and he's entirely too cheerful for my liking; like an energized bunny. Of course, my mate loves him immediately as she's just like him. Even after all these years and being the mother to my pups, she's still the same woman I fell in love with.

Corbin guides us upstairs and through the hallways, anxiousness filling me as I think about how my daughter is. Aurora squeezes my hand and looks up at me, soothing my mind with a gentle caress. I press a grateful kiss to her lips quickly while Corbin's and Ivan's backs are turned. Although I can feel her intense emotions over wanting to see our baby again, she's the only one keeping me calm right now.

We stop outside a wall of glass windows, an endless amount of relief filling me when I see Ayla laughing as she throws a grape at Asher Antonov. She's safe. My beasts that have been on edge ever since we lost her finally settle down. It's been extremely difficult and distressing for our family over the past few months.

"She's lost so much weight." Aurora whispers, a worried frown on her face.

"We're all doing everything we can to help Ayla become healthy again. Her wolf used up a lot of nutrients and energy during the coma so Ayla is a bit weak right now." Corbin's smile falters, a reminiscent look in his eyes.

"Why the fuck is he holding her like that?!" I growl furiously, my eyes narrowing on Asher's hands that are on my daughter's hips.

His eyes widen before he grimaces slightly. "Uh...I think it's best if they explain it to you."

We look back to see Asher pulling Ayla into his lap and that's when I see red. I snarl protectively and step forward, only to be yanked back by my mate who glares at me murderously. Ivan snickers under his breath, looking elsewhere as soon as I growl at him. I grumble in protest as I look back at them, wanting to rip his hands off for even touching my daughter.

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