Bonus Chapter

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Eight Months Later.

I thank Vito and Corbin who open the doors for me, closing them when I enter. I spent the whole day relaxing and having fun with the girls; Sage, Astra and Sasha. Asher wanted me to take the day off and promised he would take care of Lucien. I was sceptical at first but agreed anyways. Now that I'm back, I can't wait to be with my baby again. I couldn't stop thinking about Lucien while I was out; whether he was okay, if he needed me, etcetera. I had to force myself to stop feeling guilty for taking some time for myself.

I make my way upstairs, both their scents guiding me. Lucien smelt like the grass just after a downpour with a hint of pine and spice, he reminded me of the forest. I walk into my bedroom to see both Asher and our son sleeping soundly on the bed, both on their stomach. Dimitri is reading a book in an armchair by the bed, keeping watch on Lucien in case he rolls away from his dad. But despite being asleep, Asher's arm is wrapped around his back as Lucien cuddles into his chest.

I mentally coo over how adorable they look, thanking Dimitri for watching him. He smiles before leaving, closing the door behind him. Setting my handbag down, I slip off my shoes and get on the bed. Peppering kisses to Asher's cheek, I hear him sigh before his warm brown eyes open to meet mine. He smiles lazily, pulling me down for a kiss.

"Was he any trouble?" I whisper, stroking Lucien's back when he whimpers.

"A lot." He chuckles, turning to lay on his back and pulling me on top of him. "For a toddler, he sure crawls away pretty fast."

"He tired you out? You're getting old, Ash." I giggle softly, feeling him pinch my bum.

"Please, can we have another baby?" He groans, nibbling on my earlobe.

"Two kids would definitely turn your hair grey." I smirk, teasing him.

Ever since I healed from delivering Lucien, Asher has been wanting another baby. And the fact that my healing process was faster than an average human makes him want to get me pregnant as soon as possible. I'm still trying to settle into my role as a new mom and even though I know I won't ever be perfect for my son, I just want to enjoy my time with Lucien before giving him another sibling. Plus it's only been eight months!

"Soon, just not yet." I peck him quickly before picking up my son when he starts to cry.

I pull down the top of my dress and bra, watching as he stops fussing and starts to feed. Asher rests back on the bed, watching us with a tender look. "Pup." Ivanna sighs lovingly as I smooth his brown strands. Although she can't ever meet him in person, Ivanna is content with seeing him every day. But as I'm a hybrid, I can't let Zoya come out and greet him just yet. I need to let him grow up a little before he can understand because if I let her out now it'll just cause him confusion and distress when he won't see me anymore.

Dad told Ivan and I that it happened when we were both one year old and we freaked out at the sight of his beasts. Something made him extremely angry and he shifted involuntarily just as mom came in the room with us. He had to leave, shift, and then come back for us to calm down fully. After that, he only shifted when he was sure that we were nowhere near and we eventually warmed up to his beasts at six years old.

It's not that it's dangerous as our beasts are very loving towards our children and would do anything for them. It's just that babies don't have the capacity to understand why there are three of us and seeing that their parent is not with them anymore makes them very upset.

After I've fed and burped him, Corbin alerts us that Ivan has arrived. Asher frowns at me in confusion, asking me if I knew about him coming over. I shake my head, taking Lucien into my arms and carrying him downstairs. Ivan waits for us in Asher's office, looking extremely stressed out but immediately grins when he sees Lucien kicking his arms and legs wildly as he recognizes his godparent and Uncle.

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