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Username: wolfiesstories
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Story title: The Prince of Darkness Part 1 & Part 2
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/177965851-the-prince-of-darkness
Status: Part 1: Completed, Part 2: Ongoing, Part 3: TBA
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
*Mature content - Violence throughout
Description (for Part 1): "Lucifer is the Devil and ruler of the Underworld. When he leaves Hell for a break, he meets an annoying prince and his best friend, Zelda. What will happen when the prince tries to save his friend from the underworld, not knowing what he's getting himself into?"

It's good news that a third book is TBA, because books 1 and 2 leave the reader wanting even more! The Prince of Darkness has it all— an intriguing plot, a devilishly sly protagonist, waves of intense action, and as much romance as you'd expect from a Fantasy/Romance story. Even if fantasy isn't your thing, the soon-to-be trilogy is bound to be right up your alley.

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