Chapter 12: The King of murders

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After a while of flying I felt my wings getting tired. After all, I still haven't practised that much yet.

I landed in a field and took a deep breath. How would I become a hero... The question continues running through my head. I left my home, nowhere to sleep, to eat...

''UGHHHH I'm so stupid... why didn't I think this through?''

I laid down and spread my wings underneath me. Looking up at the sky, I saw soft white clouds flowing by. Birds flying free below them. Chittering happily with each other.

''I want to be like them...'' I mumbled.

So why don't you?

I blinked a few times and sat up. Looking at my wings, I got an idea. 

With a big smile I jumped up and flew up to the clouds. I took a deep breath and stopped before a cloud. My fingers reached out and touched it.

A blue light emanuated from my fingers and enveloped the cloud. My eyes widened and I took some steps back.

When the light dissapeared, I saw that the cloud wasn't just a cloud anymore. It looked more like a fluffy bed full of cushions.

A big smile spread across my face and I jumped on it, lying down and laughing.

''Who says I don't have powers?! Hahaha''


Bakugou's P.O.V.

With another blow, I made a fire. The heat not affecting me. People were screaming for their lifes. Screaming for a hero to come and save them.


I continued to hurt people and bring them fear. Walking through the building, I still heard one womans voice. 

When I blew up the door, I saw a middle aged woman. Holding a sword in front of her. Shaking as if her life depended on it.

''Stay back you monster!''

I rolled my eyes and got ready to kill her... until I noticed her looks.

Her (h/c) hair, together with (e/c) eyes and her (s/c) skin... She was like a copy of (Y/N).

I stopped mid-attack and stared at her. ''Are you (Y/N)'s mother...?'' It came more like a soft whisper than my usual harsh voice.

The womans eyes grew and she lowered her sword a bit. ''How do you know her name?''

I shook my head and looked away. ''It doesn't matter. I'm here to kill you anyway''

It was silent for a few seconds. Although they felt like hours.

When I looked up, I saw that the woman had dropped the sword and was walking closer to me.

''What are you doing, scum?!'' I took a step back and snarlled at her.

Her eyes looked kind at me. Forgiving.

They annoyed me... just like (Y/N)...

''Bakugou-san... It's okay''

I looked almost shocked at her. How did she know my name?!

The woman took another step closer until she was in front of me. She placed her hands on my shoulders, no fear anymore.

''You think I didn't realise you hanging around our house? I am a mother you know...''

I sighed annoyed and pushed her away. ''Stay away from me, witch. You don't know me''

''But I do know my daughter. I think you know (Y/N).''

It hurted... Fuck these feelings. Can I get rid of them already?!

''So what if I do?'' I growled

The woman sighed and looked guilty at me. Getting a bit more nervous.

''You know... I didn't realise you two were getting that close... and when I heard the news from our maids... I am terribly sorry Bakugou-san!'' She bowed, tears in her eyes.

''What? What are you talking about woman?''

She looked up, guilt all over her face.

''(Y/N) is engaged...''

It was like the last few good parts of me dissapeared. My heart felt like it was crushed and slammed on the ground.

Growls started emanuating from my troat. Comming from the deepest parts inside me.


And then I screamed. The building collapsing with every blow that left my body.



No P.O.V.

''We are very sorry to inform that 1000 people died this afternoon in the Sky tower. A villain appeared and started blowing up the building... His reason isn't clear yet.''

An image apeared with a blonde boy standing in the middle of the broken down tower. Looking down and looking like a complete mess. Smoke still comming from his body.

''We are still searching for this criminal and won't stop until we can put him out of his misery. ''


''The name of the criminal is known. His villain name is King Explosion Murder, very accurate for all the damage that he has done. Anyone who sees him, please run as far as you can. The police and hero's are searching for him. To all hero's above class S, please kill him if you can.''

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