{23 Horror movie (First date pt3)

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{23 Horror movie (first date p3)

Your POV

After deciding on watching a horror movie you and Yoongi settle on the couch with your soju and leftover chicken to snack on during the movie. 

''Are you ready?'' You ask Yoongi who nods and you bent forward to press the play button on the remote laying on the table.

When you lean back on your couch you are extremely aware of how close Yoongi is sitting next to you. Your hips are almost touching, but it doesn't feel awkward or uncomfortable. Though your heart is still beating fast along with his and the feeling of extreme happiness is still there, it's just not as intense as it was before. Your talk before settling on the couch also cleared up a lot for you, knowing it was never because of you made you feel a lot better. It also was comforting to know that you weren't the only one who was afraid, he was too. You focus back on the movie and softly chuckle to yourself when you see the characters slowly getting introduced. 

''What's so funny,'' Yoongi asks, ''You know it is a horror movie, right?''

''It's just that every horror movie seems to have the exact  same characters,'' You explain, ''There is always the funny guy, the dumb blond, who by the way isn't necessary blond, the one who loves to party with his or her girlfriend or boyfriend and the innocent main character.''

''You're right,'' Yoongi says chuckling.'' and I bet either the dumb blond or the couple gets killed first.''

''My bet is on the couple,'' You reply. 

''Okay then I say the dumb blond,'' Yoongi grins, ''What are we betting on?''

''hmm,'' You think for a moment, ''What about a shot of soju?''

''Deal.'' He replies. 

''oh and I think that one of the two will survive and run back to the group to spread fear among the rest and cause chaos.'' You look at Yoongi to see his reaction. 

''Maybe,'' He says, ''Or one of them will disappear thinking he or she is dead and then suddenly reappear later in the story.''

''No,'' You reply, ''That will happen but then to the funny guy.''

The two of you continue watching the movie and after some time indeed the couple wonders off from the rest of the group to a secluded place to make out and then from the dark a creepy ghost pops up out of nowhere.

''AAH!'' You yell and automatically grab onto the closest thing near you what happens to be Yoongi's arm.

''Not so predictable now right?'' He says chuckling and looks at how you're clutching his arm in fear.

''Scary and predictable are two different things,'' You reply stubbornly and quickly let go of his arm. ''But I was right! It was the couple first, you need to take a shot.''

''Fine,'' Yoongi sighs and leans forward to pour himself a shot of soju which he then pours down his throat. 

When he leans back in the couch he grabs your hand again, you look at him surprised and find him already looking at you. The touch of just his hand on yours sents shivers down your spine and gives you a tingly sensation over your whole body, it feels incredible.  You smile back and him and feel your cheeks heat, you knew you were blushing so you quickly look back to the screen. 

When the sudden appearance of the ghost startles you again you cuddle closer to Yoongi, his presence comforts you in a way you never thought possible. Yoongi responds by putting an arm around you and pulling you closer. You think he just wants to comfort you but then he whispers in your ear.

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