{29 Grandpa suga

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{29 Grandpa Suga

Your POV

When you get back to your apartment you are again reminded of your bad day when you see your soaked carpet full with shattered glass and sad looking flowers. Carefully you pick up the shattered pieces of glass, but of course, you cut yourself when picking up a small piece. You curse and watch as your finger slowly starts bleeding, sighing you put your finger in your mouth a start rummaging through some drawers looking for a bandage. Then you carefully throw away the glass the remaining glass and vacuum the carpet. After you finish you sigh deeply and wished for this day to go by quickly.

After making dinner you work on your assignments for a while but you're in such a bad mood from the whole day that you aren't able to concentrate. You spent 40 minutes looking at a blank screen before giving up and shutting down your computer and check your phone's messages. There is one from Yoogni you open it smiling, maybe even for the first time that day.

Yoongi: You're not having a good day right? So far I know you overslept, spilled hot coffee and what just happened to your finger?

You: Oh, Sorry I dropped a vase and cut myself on some glass.

Yoongi: You should be more careful, don't hurt yourself.

You knew it was probably impossible but you wanted to see him so badly. You wanted nothing else then just to cuddle and not think about everything that had happened today. Just feel the comfort of his warm body, feel his comforting heartbeat in your chest like you were ones, one person.

You: Hey, I know you are probably really busy but there wouldn't be any change you can come over tonight?

Yoongi: oh uh, well. I want to know you haven't been feeling well today, but I have a schedule until 10 pm and I have to get up early again tomorrow. I don't think I should.

You: We could just watch Netflix and chill you could just rest here.

You: omg I meant just watching a movie, not Netflix and chill as in well you know...

Yoongi: hahaha what are you thinking?

you: nothing!

Yoongi: Yeah right, I think you just threw yourself under the bus haha.

Yoongi: But I don't think I can come, I'm just really busy.

You: oh okay.

Yoongi: You're disappointed.

You: Of course I'm disappointed I'm having the worst day ever and you don't have time for me. Can things get any worse!

Frustrated you throw your Phone on the couch pillow, you knew you had not right snapping at him like that. He was busy and you should understand he's an idol he works hard you know that, but still you couldn't help feeling disappointed and frustrated. You feel restless and trapped in your little apartment and everyone is busy tonight, but you don't want to go out alone so you just settle on the couch watching your favorite shows.

After a while you suddenly feel something strange, your heart is beating fast and if you're not mistaken you feel Yoongi's heartbeat. You look at the clock only 9.30 he had a schedule until 10 so there is no way it's him, but just to make sure you check your messages but there are none. Just second after you felt the heartbeat your doorbell suddenly rings.

*Ding Dong*

You're so startled by the sound you almost fall of the couch it couldn't be him, right? It could just be Jieun or Haneul, you walk over to the door and are surprised to see a facemask and baseball cap through the camera.

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