Deep Conversation

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I nodded to him, agreeing to the decision of him helping with the assignment. Seán smiled and puffed his chest just barely enough as if he felt proud.

As we talked Seán and I ended up walking into all the way to my house. I never noticed since I know my way like the back of my hand but I didn't know why Seán didn't part ways like we agreed on.

Checking the time I realized how late it was. I had an extra room I used for storage so Seán could stay instead of walking back home.

I look up from my phone and see Seán start walking backwards and wave 'bye' to me in an awkward fashion. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head making a no noise and reach forward to grab his hand that he waved to me with.

'You're staying tonight.' I pull him into the house and shut the door behind him. I turn back to look at Seán and see him as red as a tomato.

'Are.. you okay?' I ask putting my hand on his forehead but Seán looks away mumbling and scratching his head.


I brush it off and I show him upstairs. He looks around as I enter the storage room.
'You can stay in here. I have an extra bed, TV, and-'
He entered looking around at all the artwork and collectables I have hidden away. '-Clutter..' I look back at him smiling shamefully.
'Sorry... I wasn't expecting anyone to come so soon..'
'You insisted I stayed though' He Chuckled.

I start cleaning the mess and pushing it off to the closet so it won't embarrass me or clutter him as we sat on my old mattress.


'Why did you follow me home?' I asked out of the blue. Seán was only half paying attention as he was scrolling through his phone. I repeated the question when I got his full attention.

His mouth made an o form and he looked away trying to form his thoughts into words.
'I.. guess I wanted to spend more time with you..'

This time I laughed at him. He gave me a puzzled look and I pointed at his phone. 'Why that then?'
Seán nodded and set it down. 'The fans get worried when I don't interact with them as much as I usually do.' He shrugged as if it was nothing and picked up the phone again. 'But I'm usually on a lot anyway so I can't blame them.'

'You really love your fans don't you' I lean back against the wall watching him as he typed. He nodded.
'I try to tell them how much they mean to me always.' He responded with a light-hearted smile. 'A lot of them really need to hear it.'

I smile as I watch Seán message his fans and him showing me all the art from them. The community really loves him back.

As I was getting comfortable, I got a message from Mark.
Mark: Hey, it's Mark.
Mark: I wanted to see if the two of us could talk tomorrow if your free?

That's when it reminded me of last night. The huge fight.

I wave over to Seán to catch his attention. He looks over in my direction and nods.
'What happened between you and Mark?'
I seen the hitch in his breath as I signed his name. Seán's eyebrows dropped and his eyes looked away from me.

'I don't want to talk about him.' Seán managed to sign.

'Why not?' I urged on. If I won't get it from him I'll get it from Mark. Hopefully.

Seán awkwardly moved his hands about not sure what to sign. I watched waiting to see what could be suppressing him from telling me but in the end he just shook his head. 'I can't. It.. it hurts to.'

I watched as I saw a tear roll down his cheek and his him grabbing at his heart. He started to say things to me but I reached over pulling Seán into my lap, hugging him as tightly as possible.


After Seán calmed down I decided to tell him a story of my own. I had pushed him too far so to help him take his mind off of the situation I would tell him my story.

'When I was born the doctors knew right away I was deaf.' I began. Seán watched laying on his side. 'My father had slammed a door open to rush and see me. Apparently that slam had made everyone jump but the newborn.' I shrug shyly, smiling.

'I had numerous test done and after so many they concluded I can only hear a certain pitches.'

'What pitch?' Seán asked.

'I shrugged and rubbed at my head. 'Its been so long it might be different now.. However,' I threw in 'I could get an Cochlear Implant.'

Seán gave me a confused look. I spelt out the new word for him and he still shook his head. 'What is it?'

'It's an implant that I'll have surgery for and wear something that looks a little like a hearing aid.' I shake my head. 'With all the surgeries I've had though I doubt they'd give me any actual hearing.'

I walk away but Seán grabs my hand looking me in my eyes. 'You should get the Implant..'

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