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Louis falls asleep quickly. Harry knows this because he counts the spaces between his breaths and notices how they gradually slow down to a lulling rhythm and now everything is languid and even.

Harry knows it's weird to enjoy listening to Louis' breathing. But that's his soulmate, for fuck's sake, he's allowed to be weird about things like this. Especially when said soulmate is curled up in his bed. Especially when said soulmate fell asleep trembling after telling Harry you ignored me.

He still doesn't fully understand, but he can imagine what Louis means, and it isn't good. He wants to talk to Louis about it but now obviously isn't the right time, so he continues to stare up at the ceiling and try not to cry, or do something stupid like crawl into bed with him.

This week has been really, really good but everything is still so fucked up. Harry's entire body is aching as it always is, but less so now that he's closer to Louis for once. Their week spent together, with Louis teaching him French, was entirely too addictive. Harry is afraid he's going to run out of excuses to see him, and then everything will go to hell again. He tells his mind not to worry about that right now, not when he knows his soulmate is safe and sleeping soundly in his bed right now, and everything is okay.

He tries to fall asleep but it doesn't seem like something that's going to happen anytime soon, so he turns over to his side and closes his eyes, enjoying the fuller feeling of his heart. Definitely because his soulmate is less than a few feet away. It's surprising, how at peace his entire being feels.

There's a rustling sound above him—Louis shifting in bed. He seems to settle again, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. It makes Harry smile. Then Harry feels something brush up against his shoulder. The touch makes him shiver. He turns around and sees Louis' arm hanging off the bed, fingertips curled loosely and brushing against the fabric of Harry's t-shirt. He's still very well asleep, eyes closed, lips parted, face impassive but peaceful.

Harry admits he moves a little closer to the touch of Louis' hand, creating a much steadier contact between the two of them. He gets comfortable and closes his eyes.

Sleep comes quickly.

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