Chapter 7

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"Okay is that all?" My father puts the boxes down and closes the car door.

"I would like to think it is, we didn't drive nine hours to here for no reason"I say and Vanessa chimes in
"And I for sure wouldn't go back with you, and I do not wanna be in a room all alone for over 18 hours" she says and my brother chuckles, he is never gonna give up is he?, Matt has had a huge crush on Vanessa for the past two years even though he perfectly knows he has zero percent of a chance. I'm very glad that Vanessa rode with me, but I'm still sad that Carla isn't here with us, we had talked about this moment since the seventh grade, we had planned on going to the same college and getting the same dorm room and even drive together, but she had to finish her internship back in Huston, but hey at least she'll be here next semester.

It's been three months since my vacation here and now I'm back for school which makes me very happy.

My dad grabs some of my boxes and Vanessa's bags while Matt of course only helps Vanessa, what a lovely brother am I right?

After we get our information we head to our room which is D163.

When we arrive I can't help but notice the 3rd bed in the room, the one where Carla will be staying in next semester, I know I'm being too sad about this Carla thing but It was really important for us. We planned everything since the seventh grade, after we found out that we both got accepted into FSU we cried, literally cried of happiness, we would be here together if it wasn't for her stupid internship, she could of finished it in summer but she "really likes it" but I know it's because of Luis, and I'm not mad he makes her happy so it's okay.

"Wait before we do anything...." Vanessa interrupts my thoughts and looks in her bag and takes it a sign, it has written on it "no homophobic people allowed" that was the corny gift my dad gave her after she officially came out to everyone.

Vanessa had a tough life at home because of her family's...feelings towards her sexuality, they almost kicked her out and that's why she spent most of her time at my house or at Carla's, she became my sister, and another person that my dad would treat like a daughter.

"Oh that's a really nice sign, who gave it to you?" My father says

"I don't remember to be honest, I think a homeless man gave it to me actually" she smiles and my dad returns it.

We're back down outside by the car, "Well I guess this is it" my dad tells me "You are now all grown up into a beautiful woman, and you are here in college" my dad says and I try to hold back my tears, I will seriously miss him, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, he was there when my mom left, he was left all alone to raise two loud, obnoxious, kids, but he did it, he worked hard and raised us perfectly and I like to believe that he did it better alone than he would of done it with my mom by his side.

He brings me in for a hug and I hug him back he says into my ear "Work hard, no matter if things get tough you work past it, be the independent girl I thought you to be, got it?" I nod while tears start streaming down my face he finally breaks the hug and his eyes are glossy
"Are you about to cry?" I ask, I have never seen him cry, he is the sweetest man ever but he has a strong heart he never cries and barely gets mad, he's all happiness.

"No, someone probably just has a cat around here"

"Wouldn't you think Matt world have glossy eyes too if there was?"

"But he does though" Vanessa calls out and I turn to my little brother.

And he does have glossy eyes, I get him for a hug, I still can't believe he's taller than me, he's is barely fourteen and I'm very tall so I don't understand how this happened. "Please don't be player, remember that girls have feelings too, and don't try to be like the other kids and ruin your lungs, okay?"

"Alright" it's all he says

"Asshole" I say to him as I break the hug and he replies with "Hey, like sister like brother right" I give him the middle finger and he sends it right back.

My dad gives Vanessa a hug too and says "do not go around campus breaking hearts, I know you can finally do that since you think you're old"

"I won't I promise" my brother hugs her too and he is way taller than her which makes me laugh because it looks more like Vanessa is fourteen and my brother eighteen.

As they get in the car we wave goodbye and head back to our new dorm.

I sit on what is possibly going to be my bed for the next four years.

We finally unpack everything and decorate the room, it looks like pretty much everything I had saved from Pinterest and I couldn't be more proud.

"Okay so since everything is ready and Carla would be out of her internship by now, should we FaceTime her to show her the room?"I nod and she grabs her phone to call but considentally there's an incoming call from her
"Carla we were about to fave time you" Vanessa says and puts the phone in speaker

"Oh really?, then let me switch to FaceTime then"when she does we say hello to her in the call

"Hey so do you want a dorm tour or what?" I say to her

"Of course"she says without as much excitement ad I thought she would have

I walk towards the door with Vanessa holding the phone

"Hi welcome to my crib, let me give you a tour, so here's the door that you enter through, and this this door to the left.."Vanessa interrupts by saying
"That's the right"

I continue "...this door to the right, is the closest, a closest that will have to fit all of our clothes but can barely fit only one persons. Anyway here's my desk and my section of the room, here's Vanessa's, and yours"

"It looks so pretty"she says in a dull voice, and I can only think two things, one she misses us, two she wants to be here, and if it's not either of those then I don't know, but I can't ask her about it because she'll probably get all defensive saying she is alright and it's just that she's tired

Just as I think that Vanessa ask "what's wrong?"

And unexpectedly Carla says "nothing I'm just tired"

We continue talking for about an hour and hang up.

"Imma go buy some stuff at the grocery store that we might need" Vanessa waves goodbye to me and I grab her car keys and my wallet.

I'm glad that she lets me drive her car, I do not wanna call and Uber or Lyft.

The place seems practically the same as in July it's still has some hurricane damage but I think that's just like that because it is Florida.

When I'm near the doors a familiar face opens the door and keeps it opened for me, it takes me a minute to recognize is the guy I had a date with. I thought he was out of college or not in college, but he had an apartment why would he be here in the campus Dorms, he looks more like a frat boy, I was honestly kind of surprised that his name wasn't Chad, even though Luke it's still pretty basic.

He statares at me and for a second I think he might remember me...but if he did he would at least say hi, and he didn't
As I walk past him I remember the awkward the try of a kiss that had happened between us.

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