Chapter 19

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I put my head on his shoulder and tried to calm down my breathing to keep me from further embarrassing myself "It's okay, there's no need to hold back, I know you're feeling down at the moment so it's okay to let it out" Luke said to me, and I did.

I lost track of time but during my whole crying session he was holding onto me, and after tears after another I was finally able to calm down and explain everything that happened.

"So what you're telling me is that Vanessa thinks that you're plotting against Destiny?" I nod wiping my tears away

"Ava I haven't known you for long but I know that you wouldn't do anything like that, in the other hand I really don't think Destiny would either. Yes she can be toxic but she wouldn't take it to that extreme" I move away from him for a moment and tell him "You've told me before that there wasn't any girls in the friend group before, And the ones that did suddenly stopped hanging around, I just don't think that is a coincidence"

He sighed and told me "I'm not sure maybe, it's not like it's a conspiracy against you"

"Luke, I thought you would understand but clearly not" I told him as his words started making me angry at him "but you know, it doesn't matter she had been your friend for longer so it's cool"

He rolled his eyes back and said "you ready now?"

"What?" I asked him

"The beach, you clearly need it right now"

"So you're just going to act as if I didn't just cry my heart out in front of you?"

"No, you just need to feel liberated at this moment and go swimming"

"It's not summer anymore so the water it's probably freezing cold, I don't wanna go anymore" he once again rolls his eyes and finishes getting ready.

After that he grabs my stuff in his hands and throws them in my beach bag that I brought from my room "what are you doing?" I ask and he keeps quiet as he takes my stuff and leaves the room, after a few minutes of him not coming back I leave the dorm to see where he went.

I get to the parking lot and see him standing by his car texting on his phone "There you are, I was about to text you to come down"


"Just get in Ava we're going to the beach whether you want to or not" he opens the passenger door for me and I get in without a fight this time.

The drive to the beach lasted less than 10 minutes, but it felt hours longer than that due to the awkward silence there was, mostly since he didn't let me play music and he didn't want to put his own either. Finding a spot to park his park in is quick since it's October and no tourists are around. "Why didn't you let me play music Lucas?"

"First of all my name is Luke, second of all you were giving an attitude on coming to the beach so I made it awkward for you" this man annoys me too much,

He grabs his and my stuff and we go towards the beach and find a nice spot "What are you doing?" I ask him as he takes his shirt off

"We're on the beach dumb ass, I'm going to swim in the water, have you heard of that before?"

"Who you calling a dumb ass?, and yes but I'm not staying here all alone I didn't bring a swimsuit"I say and he looks back at me with a face of confusion "you didn't put your swimsuit on the pile of clothes you brought?"

"No, I thought we were going to walk..." I told him just as confused as he is

"Who on earth comes to the beach and just walk?" He asks aggressively

"Umm, lots of people, including me"

"Well you and lots of people are weird, and the sand is uncomfortable to just walk on"

he tells me as he walks to the water he puts his foot in and by the expression in his face I can tell it's freezing cold  "see it's perfectly warm just get in Ava"

"I'd rather not" I respond to him as I take off my shirt and shorts, he turns around to look back at me and quickly turns his eyes to the ocean "you said you didn't put a swim suit in your pile of clothes so why are you getting naked?"

"I said I didn't put it on the pile yes, cause I put under my clothes before coming down"

Respectfully he turns back around to see  and make sure I'm wearing a swimsuit and he tells me "get in the water then Ava"

"As I already said, I rather not Luke" after I tell him that he starts mouthing the word "okay" and tries to get in the water more but he's too scared of the cold water to get in past his knees

I start laughing at his reaction of the fish he sees and how he isn't going further in "What are you laughing at?" He asks me aggressively and my face turns straight in seconds

"Nothing, don't worry"

"Nothing huh?" He ask and starts approaching me from the water "what are you doing?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me what's so funny"

"I said nothing"

"Nothing huh" he says right in front of me

He proceeds to grab my arms making me stand up, once he does that he grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder "LUKE STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

"Tell me whats so funny Ava"

"YOU BEING SCARED OF THE FISH OKAY, NOW PLEASE LET ME DOWN" I say while moving my legs to see if he lets me down

He acts as if he doesn't hear me and moves deeper in the water, when I look back the water passed his belly button and I don't think he's gonna stop going deep "please let me down Luke I'm begging you" After I plead him for mercy he tells me "okay"  and throws me in the water.

"I let you down now, didn't I?" He will get what's coming.

Hopefully this chapter was enjoyable and be ready for the next one ;)

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