Chapter 19

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*4 years earlier*

I looked at myself in the mirror, straightening the parts of my hair I missed.

"Liam, you ready?" My mom knocked on the bathroom door.

"Just a moment!" I called back, and sprayed hairspray on my straightened hair.

"Well hurry, the party is starting." I unlocked the door and opened it, coming face to face with my mom.

"I'm done. Happy?" I held out my arms a little to the side. He looked at my outfit, a dark blue t-shirt and black jeans, before nodding.

"You look fine. Now let's go." He took my wrist and led me downstairs and out to the backyard.

Food and plastic tablecloths rest on tables on the back porch. Training mats that were usually found on the grass were put away and replaced with trampolines and water slides. A banner that said "Happy 16th Birthday" in blue painted letters hung loosely on the porch ceiling along with some streamers.

I look around and find Kay and Arina sitting down on the edge of the tramp. I stray away from my mom and run over to them, to be greeted by smiles.

"Is kyle out here yet?" I ask.

Arina shakes her head. "I'm guessing he wants to make a 'fashionably late' type of entrance."

Kay snickers at Arina's joke, and I anxiously laugh. "Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised." I play with my fingers as I try to swallow my nervousness.

Arina and Kay share a look. Arina shrugs and Kay rests a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Kyle already likes you. You have nothing to be nervous about."

My smile drops and a worried expression crosses my face instead. "But I do. What if he actually doesn't like me and he's just messing with my feelings?"

Kay just smiles. "I've seen the way he acts around you. Trust me, he's not messing with you."

"How are you sure?"

"I just am."


"Positive." Kay sticks out her pinky, and I wrap mine around hers.

Kay glances behind me, which makes me turn around. I finally see Kyle, and he looks great. I mean, it is his birthday after all. He wore a white dress shirt with flowers on it, to fit the summer vibe of the party, his light brown hair resting messily on his head.

He looks around and stops when he sees me. He smiles and waves, quickly coming over and attacking me in a big hug. I squeal when he lifts me up suddenly, catching me off guard, and spins me around.

I hit his back several times. "Let me down you doofus!" I joke.

He finally sets me down and pulls away. "I'm just glad to see you here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm your best friend." I almost cringe in pain when I say 'best friend'

Kyles smile falters a tiny bit, but covers it up quickly. "I know. I was just worried that you wouldn't show up, for some reason."

I hear Kay snort behind me, and I turn around to see her get off the tramp. "Just kiss or something already."

I opened my mouth to sass her, but she already walked away.

I hear Kyle laugh, and my face heats up.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, and look down.

"For what? It was something she said, not you." Kyle pulls me in for another hug, and I let him. I wrap my arms around his waist.

I just sigh in response, and don't say anything else.

He lets my cling onto him for a while longer before pulling away.

"How about we just enjoy ourselves now? We can go jump on the tramp or something." He suggests.

I crinkle up my nose. "I'm good. Physical exertion is not my thing."

Kyle laughs, and that puts a smile on my face again. "Then what is your 'thing'?"

"Easy. Eating. I want to eat the birthday cake over there." I nod my head in the direction where the cake is.

Kyle just rolls his dark blue eyes. "I haven't blown out the candles yet."

"I don't care. I want to eat it." I cross my arms over my chest.

He purses his lips and things for a moment. "Let's go do the cake thing early then."


It's later in the night, and there's a dance party going on.

I'm sitting at a table because like I expressed earlier, I'm not interested in exercise.

Unfortunately, a slow song begins playing and Kyle dances his way out of the crowd and towards me.

"Care to dance?" He asks, and hold out his hand.

"Not really." I keep my hands in my lap.

He narrows his eyes before reaching and grabbing one of my hands for himself. "Too bad." He said.

I groan but don't stop him from dragging me out onto the dance floor. The music surrounds us gently as he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and my head rests on his shoulder. We slowly sway, not talking. Just too focused on the perfect moment.

The song eventually ended, going into a more energetic one. Dance pairs broke apart to start jumping around madly again, and consider it 'dancing'.

"Hey Liam, follow me. I have something to give you." Kyle breaks away.

"Something to give me? But it's your birthday. I should be giving you something." I begin to slowly follow him into the house.

"I know it's my birthday. I just wanted to give you something." He says back. I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him, but follow him up into his room nonetheless.

I sit on his bed as he goes and opens a drawer from his nightstand. He pulls out a small box and hands it to me.

"I figured this would be the best time to give it to you."

I furrow my eyebrows, and look down at the box. I open it slowly and I see a silver chained necklace with a charm of a crescent moon.

"Kyle I-"

"I really like you. A lot. So much actually, I want to be your boyfriend." He nervously asks.

I stare at him in complete shock.

Did he just-?

I smile and nod quickly. "Of course."

He smiles and tackles me in a hug. I laugh and hang onto him tightly.

I pull away once I remembered the silver necklace he gifted me, and I take it out of the box. I look at it for a moment before holding it out to Kyle.

"Mind putting it on?"

Kyle nods and takes the necklace. He positions himself behind me and claps the two ends together.

I turn around and hug him again. He eventually lays us down so we're more cuddling, rather then anything else.

But somehow, this all felt wrong.



I sat against the library shelves, per usual. It was my hideaway spot.

Moretti was in his office doing some pack business that I wasn't really interested in.

I frown as the memory filled my mind. I always wore that silver necklace. Even when his letters stopped arriving. But I left it back in Ohio, and forgot to pack it when I went to England.

I subconsciously twist the brass promise ring around my finger. And that brought some happiness back after thinking to much.

Because this time, it felt right.

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