Chapter 22

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My mom softly ran his fingers through my hair, as I lay sniffling in his arms.

I just told him the entire story of Ansaldo and our relationship. I didn't leave out one detail. He didn't say anything about my story until I requested him too.

"Say something." I whispered.

He hesitates. "I went through a similar situation with your dad. I left because I was so hurt, even if it wasn't correct. I was hurt because I loved him, and I didn't want to take anymore risks. I'm glad I did, or else you wouldn't be here. I think this is the same thing for you."

He said nothing more, and neither did I. That had me deeply thinking.

Did I love him?

Of course.


I wore an oversized hoodie I stole from Ansaldos dresser. I keep trying to convince myself that I hate what he did to me, but yet here I am, unable to wear anything else because it doesn't nearly bring as much comfort as the hoodie does.

I stumble down to the kitchen, horrible bags under my eyes, I'm sure. I didn't get any sleep at all after the entire 'crying on the kitchen floor with spilled chips ahoy cookies around me' incident.

I see Kay for the first time in the kitchen, with a short haired blonde next to her. It should've lifted my mood to see her, but instead I just thought of all the mornings where I would run into Luca.

Kay turns to me, and her expression consists of shock, excitement, and concern all at once.

"Hey Liam." She smiles, and runs over to wrap her arms around me.

I hug her back, basking in her familiar scent.

We both get lost track of how long we held each other, before someone cleared their throat. We pull away, and look at the blonde.

"I'm sorry, I choked on some water. I totally ruined the moment, didn't I?" She sweetly says.

"No you didn't, Hannah. You're just fine." Kay reassures her.

Relief spreads across Hannah's face. "Cool." Is all she says.

"Oh, sorry. Liam, this is Hannah, my mate. Hannah, this is my brother Liam." Kay introduces us.

Hannah walks over to me and holds out her hand, and I grasp it to shake. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

I just nod a greeting back.

I can tell Kay is growing more and more worried, because when I meet new people, I definitely smile and try to be excited (if I'm not.).

"Hey Hannah, I'm going to pull Liam away for a moment. I'll be right back." She quickly gives a reassuring squeeze on her mates hand, followed by a kind smile.

Hannah nods and goes back behind the kitchen counter, and Kay leads me out of the room.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder and I gladly take a step in the side of her body.

She leads me up to my room and lets go of me to close the door.

I sit on my bed, and she pulls out a chair from my desk to sit in front of me.

She takes my hands again and gently holds onto them.

"What's wrong?" Is all she simply asks.

I shrink into the oversized hoodie, and a lump forms in my throat. I can no longer cry. My eyes are too dried out and I have a horrible headache.

But I know I can't escape Kay, especially when she's concerned. She doesn't take no for an answer.

"A lot is wrong." I tiredly express. I can't really go on to explain the story anymore. I don't want to think about it.

She just nods, urging me further.

"My mate...he lied and, goddess it's all just complicated. Kyle never stopped writing me letters, they were just burned before they ever made it out of the training camp." Was all I could really manage to explain.

"Did you get your mates side of the story?" She pressed on.

"Yes and no? I asked him about it and he didn't deny anything. He seemed guilty." I sighed.

Kay tilted her head and thought for a moment. "You gave him no time to explain?"

I shook my head. "I just wanted to be out of his pack house. And when he followed me to the airport, he wanted to, but I had to board my flight."

She just nodded as I explained. "I'm not here to give you advice. I know that's not something you need to hear right now,"

I relaxed my body that I didn't even know was tense.

"Maybe someday I might, but not now. Just know that I'm here to listen, and help you through this, alright?" She reassures.

I nodded.

"I need you to get some sleep. You look really horrible, no offense." Kay sympathetically smiles.

I nod and she lets go of my hands, and I dive under the covers of my bed. She rolls the chair away and makes her way out of my room.

"I'll bring some snacks up here, so you have them when you're awake. I'm not letting you not eat anything." She clearly states, and before I can protest, she walks out of my room and shuts the door.

My eyes immediately become heavy, and I close them, falling into a not so pleasant dream.


I shoot up in my bed, completely in a cold sweat, and breathing heavily.

I look over at the clock. I slept most of the day, it now being dark outside.

My mouth is dry, and I need water. I look around, and sure enough, Kay has kept her word.

On my nightstand is a tray of just little things to snack on, with a bottle of water.

I reach over and grab it, taking off the sealed cap and gulping down most of the water.

I put the bottle down and snack on a few crackers in peace, before a pair of people laughing loudly in a nearby room disturb me.

I finish my cracker before I get out of my bed and make my way to the room where chatter was apparent.

I listen in on the conversation outside of the barely open door. It's my dad.

I'm just about to shrug it off until the second voice jumps in.

"It's definitely one of my best memories..." A man merely chuckles.

Anger getting the best of me, I opened the door, and my suspicions were correct.

My dad looked at me, worried. His lighthearted mood falling.

"Are you alright, Liam?" He asks.

I look over at the man in the chair that was in front of his desk.

Ansaldo was here.

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