Chapter 3: The Christmas He always wanted....

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*Lilly Pov*

It is Christmas day  and we're in Potter Manor. It is covered in Snow. I wake up early and decide to make pancakes. I walk down the stairs into the kitchen and I see Cedric. 

"Hello Ced."

"Jesus Christ! Lilly you made me jump." I just laugh and we made the pancakes. Despite Cedric's  initial shock  we managed to make the pancakes and were laughing. Then my daughter, Ginny, Fred, George, Remus and Sirius walk into the kitchen.

"Padfoot where is my husband and son?" 

"Well lills Prongsie is still asleep and I'm guessing my godson is also still asleep."

"I'll go wake Harry." Cedric said and I nodded as I sighed and began to walk to mine and James' room.

*Cedric's Point of View*

I walk into Harry's room.  I see my boyfriend lying asleep. He looks so adorable.

"Harry,  It's Christmas day. Your mum and I made pancakes." That's strange normally the mention of food would wake Harry up. I decided to shake him awake.

"Harry baby wake up."

"Let me sleep Ced."

"Nope there is pancakes waiting for you and it's Christmas Day!!!"  Reluctantly Harry woke up. 

"Okay Ced babe I'm awake."

"Good. Harry why aren't you excited about Christmas?"

"Well every Christmas until I arrived at Hogwarts I was mainly locked in my cupboard under the stairs..."

"What!" I heard Lilly, James,  Sirius and Remus cry. And Harry buried himself in to my chest. That was when it clicked. The reason Harry hated people shouting and loud noises was because of The Dursley's. Honest to God the more I realise, learn and discover about Harry's relatives the more I want to kill  them for hurting Harry.

"He doesn't like yelling or loud noises it scares him." I whisper as I feel Harry sobbing into my Pyjama top. Lilly, James, Sirius and Remus run over to us and swoop both me and Harry into a hug.

"Sorry honey. We didn't mean to scare you." Lilly soothed  and Harry calmed down. 

"Why don't we go down to the living room and open presents." Sirius said ecstatically

"Gees Siri you are acting like a toddler." James rolled his eyes 

"I am not." Sirius huffed. We all laughed . As the adults walked out and to the kitchen I got off Harry's bed and Harry climbed out . 

*After Breakfast and presents.*

"I still can't believe I had a whole couch full of presents for just myself." Harry whispered to me. 

"Well you better believe it." I whispered before kissing him. After Christmas dinner. Lilly and James came up to me ,Harry and Hermione.

"Guys I know you have a whole other week before you guys go back but do you want to go back with Dumbledore still headmaster..."

"Do you feel safe?" James cut in.

"I don't but there is nothing we can do. We have to go back." Harry stated

"There is something you can do.."

"What is that 'Mione?"

"From the moment I found out the truth I have been reading...."

"Of course." Harry laughed.

"Shut it Harry I've been doing this for us. All of us."

"Sorry 'Mione."

"I read the Hogwarts rule book and rule 19 says that if student's don't feel safe going to hogwarts but wish not to leave the united kingdom the student's parents can pull them out of hogwarts and have them home schooled. But only if there is  particularly skilled adults in the core magical subjects. "

"So you're saying..."

"that both you and mum can pull me, Harry and Cedric out of hogwarts. Until Ron wises up and dumbledore is removed from his post as Headmaster and the wizarding council."

"How can they pull me out?" I asked

"We'll figure it out. But who would teach you guys?"

"Well between Siri, you, Mum and Remy. We have a great range of tutors. And Hermione correct me if I'm wrong but some of you could double up."

"You're not wrong Harry."

"So we could teach you guys." Sirius who hadn't spoken until now (A/N: Shocker I know.) 

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"But what about the werewolf act?" Remus asked

"The hell with it. Mooney you know as well as I do that the werewolf act is a whole load of useless bullshit that the ministry put in place because the ministry has  whole load of corrupt arseholes running it!"

"James! Language!"

"Dad my boyfriend's dad works in the ministry!" Harry yelled straight after Lilly.

"Sorry kids. Sorry Ced I don't mean to talk bad about Amos in front of you."

"Oh it's alright James I don't care I hate my father and my father hates me. I struggle to see what is so wrong about being gay.  As for the corrupt ministry workers the only one I can safely say that isn't corrupt is Mr. Weasley."

"That is very true Cedric."

"Mooney there is two things we need to do about the ministry: 1. Exonerate Padfoot and 2. Abolish the werewolf act and see what we can do to make the wolfsbane potion as widely accessible for all werewolves who hate themselves." No one noticed Fred, George and Ginny walk in.

"thank you prongs." both Sirius and Remus said

"Prongs?" Fred asked

"Mooney?" George continued 

"Padfoot?" Ginny concluded 

"Yes." Sirius, Remus and James said 

"As in the original prankster's of hogwarts?"

"I take it you've heard of us?"

(A/N sorry it is so short gut i quickly wrote all of this today and I wanted the next chapter to have Ginny tell sirius, remus and james about how the twins are big fans of the marauders but i also kind of thought it would be cool for Ginny to be a prankster as well. Not sure when Ron will come round but it'll happen Ginny, fred and george will make sure.

Me: am I right guys? *summons fred george and Ginny*
Fred: where?
Ginny: we?
Me: hi I am Aiden and your currently in my living room.
fred: nice to meet you i'm george
George: and I'm Fred
Me: nice try twins but i know *points to fred* that your fred and your george *points to george*
Fred: how?
Me: i am a legilimens it is quite easy.
Ginny: ignore my lunatic brothers. i'm ginny.
Me: I know.
Fred: why are we here?
Ginny: not that we're ungrateful
Me: I just need your confirmation that you will make Ron wise up.
George: we definitely will won't we freddie? Ginny?
Fred and Ginny: certainly.

Hope you liked that little but of dialogue i thought it would be funny. No idea when part 4 will be up.

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