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"Come on baby. Come at me! Get mad!" I swung and missed Luca's face. It's been two weeks and my brother, Chris and Luca have been helping me learn self defense. My brother has been great but impatient. Chris I feel like she's too patient and well luca... Luca is just an asshole who doesn't think and wants me angry. They're all teaching me a different way and its not working.

"Luke just stop. Stop calling me baby to rile me up. Just. Im done. I quit." I said dropping to the mat. Next thing I knew I had a shadow over me.

"S.W.A.T doesn't quit sweetheart. Get up and lets see if I can't teach ya something." Lord help me. This god of a man… Deacon held a hand out to me helping me up off the mat. "See I've been watching them try to teach you, but the thing they aren't doing is getting you to focus. They expect you to know what to do. Lets say I come at you from behind what would you do?" I just stared at him. Ive talked to everyone since I got here but Deacon gave me goosebumps. He made me nervous.

"Uh slam my head into their face?" He smiled and nodded.

"Yea. But turn around." I don't know why but I did as he said. "What if that doesn't work? What if you miss?" He said going behind me and wrapping his arms around my stomach. God his arms feel so good around me. "How do you get away?" I shake my head.

"I don't know. Scream and hope I'm heard." I said just above a whisper.

"No. Don't ever give into them. If that doesn't work, you bend your knees to drop your weight. The attacker should loosen their grip. When you get your arm loose, pull it out of your attacker's grasp and swing your elbow up toward their face. Hit them right in their nose with your elbow to make them release you. Now go ahead and try it with me." I did what he said and almost got him in the face before he caught me.

"Like that?" He smiled and nodded his head.

"Yea you need more control. But it was a good start. Tell you what everyday around this time so long as we don't get a call I'll work with you. That way you only have one person telling you what to do." I smiled at him and I coulda swore I saw him wink at me?

"Yea thanks Deke." He nodded his head and went twords the locker room. Once he was out of ear shot Chris came over to me and just smirked. "What?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all... well except the major thing you've got for Deacon. And before you go amd try to deny it maybe you should at least attempt to hide the blushing." I looked down. I didn't used to be so shy. Thats actually how I met my ex, I mean we see how that turned out.

"Hey what are you two talking about? Has she finally admitted she likes Luca?" He asked chris. We just laughed. See as far as I'm concerned luca has too much immaturity for me. I need a man whose ready for commitment.

"Actually we were talking about how your sister here is ditching us for Deke for training. He actually got her to focus."

"Well at least someone can. Hey you ready to go? I was thinking pizza from that Italian place tonight. Then maybe the bar with the team if you wanna come." I nodded my head and grabbed my bag before saying goodbye and following my brother to his bike.
Later on after we ate I was trying to decide on what to wear. I wanted to make a good impression, and this would be the first time I'm around his team when they're relaxed. Not to mention Deacon might be there. I decided on one of my all black jumpsuits and some heels. Simple but making a statement. Jim insisted that I ride with him, but I wanted to ride in my baby. A modified 72 Chevy Chevelle SS. It was my dads before he died...

I followed my brother to the bar where he meets everyone every Friday, when we walked in everyone but Hondo and Deacon were there.

"Hey glad you came this time. Maybe now I'll have a dance partner that doesn't step on my toes." Chris laughed.

"Hey im not that bad!" Luca argued with her. And that's how it went for about half an hour, before I started dancing with Chris. It was fun we were both slightly drunk laughing until we heard Hondo from across the way.

"What you already started without us?" I snapped my head to see him and Deacon standing next to him with his eyes on me. Shit maybe he doesn't want me here. Hondo started twords us pulling both me and Chris in for a hug. "Glad to see your brother brought you to join the fun." I smiled. Next was Dacon, Chris patted his back before heading back to the table with hondo. Damn that woman she's up to something.

"You look great Kara." Deke smiled. I could feel my cheeks going red.

"Thank you. Your not to bad yourself Mr. Kay." I swear I saw his eyes go dark before he blinked, we went to the table with everyone and drank and laughed. I had to use the bathroom so I excuses myself telling Chris I would be fine by myself. Little did I know that by the time I was done there would be a creep standing outside the door.

"Hey baby wanna get outta here. Ive been watching you all night and I gotta say a girl like you could have a lot of fun with-"

"Sorry buddy definitely not interested." I went to walk by but he grabbed my arm.

"Listen here its rude to interrupt me sweetheart." God how is it I always end up getting myself in trouble. I went to snatch my arm away and tell him off again, but before I could I heard that deep smooth voice swoop in to save the day.

"Everything alright back here Kara?" Oh Deacon Kay my Knight in Blue. I didn't want this to go further and I know that a drunk guy squaring up to a S.W.A.T cop wouldn't end well so I thought fast.

"Yea babe its fine, this guy just needed help finding his girlfriend. Can we go dance?" I asked looking him in the eyes praying he followed my lead and I slipped away from the creep. Thankfully he caught on and reached out for my hand pulling me into him. He smells so good.

"Of course sweetheart. Lead the way. Oh by the way man if you need help finding your girl im a officer for S.W.A.T and I'd be happy to help." He smirked at the rando before allowing me to lead him to the dance floor. I stopped right before we got there turning to face him.

"Im so sorry. Thanks for go along with that, he was just super creepy and I didn't wanna cause a scene. You don't have to dance with me if you don-" deke stoped me, grabbing my hand.

"Kara I knew what was going on before I came over there. I wanted you to have a chance to handle it yourself. But I'm definitely gonna give you a dance. Also Street left with a girl a few minutes ago. Chris told him she'd let you know." I laughed.

"I knew he would. Thats why I told him I wanted to drive. So I could waste some time before I went back to the apartment." He just smiled at me before pulling me to the dance floor where a upbeat rock song was playing. We danced and talked and laughed for a few songs, just getting to know eachother a little more. We've got a lot more in common then I thought we would. Music, cars, a few hobbies. We agreed that id start to work out with him once a week to help with my training starting Sunday. And by the time the bar was ready to close, he walked me outside and followed me to my car insisting that he was just being sure I made it safe.

"This is what you drive?" He asked a little shocked looking at my baby.

"I did tell you I love cars and she was my dads." I spoke looking down for a short second. When I looked back at him I didn't see pitty like most people, just understanding.

"Im sorry about that. She sure is beautiful. If love too give her a spin sometime if your willing." I smiled and nodded a yes to him as I unlocked the door and started her up. He smiled big when I reved her up for him. "She sounds like new. Your dad kept her nice."

"I actually do the maintenance on her myself. Dad was a shit mechanic." I smirked fastening my seat belt. I saw something in his eyes, but couldn't figure it out.

"Be careful going home Kara. I'll see you Sunday morning 9 am sharp." He winked and waited for me to nod before he walked off. Hot damn that man does something to me! And if I didn't know better if say he knows it.

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