Cat's Out

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"Shit." I groaned. Deke let go of me as we looked at everyone's faces.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm relieved that the cats outta the bag now." Luca laughed as he walked in and gave me a hug before patting Deke on the shoulder.

"Hold on a minute... You knew?" Jim snapped his head twords Luca. "How long has this been going on?" He questioned.

"Bub just listen. Luca didn't say anything cause I asked him not to. This isn't how I wanted you to find out I was just waiting for the right time." I pleaded.

"How long." He looked down to me, I don't think he has ever been this mad at me.

"We've been seeing each other since Charlies trial."

"Thats over two months ago Kara!" He yelled.

"Look kid. You don't need to raise your voice at her." Deke started to speak up for me due to the fact I am a little in shock of how he is reacting. I mean I knew hed be mad but he never yells at me.

"You! You don't get to talk to me about this. I told you to keep an eye on her not take advantage of the situation. She is younger than  I am, so don't call me kid. Kara you need to get home now you and I have a lot to talk about. I told you the same thing I told him." I could feel the tears building in my eyes.

"JIM STOP!" I yelled as loud as my voice would let me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "Bub I am an adult. I can make my own decisions and Deke didn't take advantage of me or my situation. God if anything I took advantage of it. I didn't plan on all this when I told you I wouldn't do anything. Hell I didn't think he would even have somewhat the same feelings, but he did. And it may have only been two months but  I love him. He has made me feel like I can trust someone other than myself." I could feel myself shaking, I have never had an outburst like this when it came to my brother, but I refuse to back down from this.

"You can't be serious Kara hes like twice your age... He works with me. What happened to never getting with someone in law enforcement?" I just shook my head as Jim talked.

"My dad didn't want me to ever be with a law enforcer because its dangerous and I worry about everyone and everything. But this is different, I want to worry about him and I want to take this step in life Jim. I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Why can't I just be happy? You can either deal with it or move along because I am not giving up on what makes me happy."

"I can't believe this... I'm going to head home you guys have fun." Jim spoke sarcastically as he slammed the door.

"Well that could have gone better I suppose." Chris mumbled as I sent her a death glare.

"Come on doll, Lets get you home and fed." I sighed as Deke wrapped an arm around my waist. "I'm sorry he found out the way he did. But at least you don't have to feel guilty for keepin it from him right?" I just nodded my head.

"You called it home." I smiled looking up at Deke. 

"Well so long as you are with me it's always gonna be home. If you wanted to Id let you move in." I sighed. "But thats not what I am doing I know its too early still, but it is an option."

I really wish that tonight went better. I never wanted bub to find out like this but I guess on the plus side I don't have to sneak around anymore. But with that being said there could be one very large issue. "Hey deke?"

"Hmm" be looked down at me as he placed an arm around my waist. I was still thinking about exactly how I wanted to... "Whats going on in there?" He laughed.

"Uh I just I don't want us to affect your work or the team and I don't want to cause issues between you and my brother."

"Hey now. I promise you that you are not gonna cause any problems... and if there are issues we will have to treat it professionally at work. We all have a job to do and if that's screwed with then people get hurt." I nodded my head and let him lead me out. I got in my car and told Deke I would meet him at his place after I stop at the store to grab some extra meet for Hondo.

By the time that I got to the house Hondo and Deke had made all but the steaks, which made it easier on me. We spent a few hours laughing and chatting about their job; I told them about the house that Luca is looking at and how it needs some work but other than that it should be fine. Deke and Hondo both said I need to be careful in the neighborhood, but I know i'm safe with Luca plus thanks to all the extra training from the team I am getting pretty good at taking care of myself. When Hondo left for the night I called Luca to give him the go ahead on my end for the house and told him I'll help with whatever I can. On the plus side I got a call from the hotel manager and I start on Monday! So needless to say Deke and I celebrated a lot tonight.



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